Chapter 35:All is not lost

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And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.(2:155)

Chapter 35:

All is not lost.

The hospital was flooded with relatives and friends. Amira and Hassan looked puzzled and terrified. The trips the doctors made to and from the emergency room increased the tension in the ambience.
Iqbal's shirt was soaked in blood. His face was pale and his heart was throbbing fast. He had so many lines on his face.

"All will be fine by the grace of Allah! Don't stress up." Hassan tried to calm the stressed out Iqbal who was walking to and from the emergency room.

Hassan patted his son in law's shoulder trying to hide all his emotions. The families looked tensed and the silence in the hospital worsened their condition.

Iqbal rushed to the prayer room to make some dua. Sajid too had come with a pair of clothes which helped Iqbal since he was shaking like a fragile twig on a tree. He put on the clothes and hurried to the prayer room.

After praying to rakaas of sunnah he opened the Quran to soothe himself by its recitation. The magic of the Quran was such that it soothes the condition of any stressed person and cools the heart. He gathered himself with might to read the Quran at his level best but every verse he read,tears wetted his face feeling his heart getting crumbled on the thought of losing her. The thought of death made goosebumps on his skin and just to think that she would leave him for good,terrified him to the extent of tears and sobs. He loved her but when you are at the verge of losing some one,you realise their worth in your life. If only he could be in her position,he thought. But it was pointless since separation pains on both sides and even if you try to pull through it,memories take you back to square one.

He prostrated weeping like a helpless man. He was helpless and in such circumstances only Allah would be your one and only resort. Truly when Allah would want any thing to happen it would just be within a blank of an eye. He was the ultimate healer and He could turn the dead to a living soul.

"Ya Allah don't snatch from me who I begged you days and nights. You know what's best for me. You are the one who wrote her name beside mine millions of years ago. You can do the impossible. I beg you dear God,don't extinguish the only candle that illuminates in my life. Just like the way you made prophet Ayyub heal after a period of 18years please heal her. Just like the way you returned Prophet Yusuf to his dad,please return my Rima to my life. You are all merciful and exalted." He prayed.

Getting up from the prayer mat,he wiped off his tears. He had to look strong otherwise who would control the families. Walking to the emergency room,the doctor in charge came out and briefed the family.

"She is now out of danger and the baby too is fine. No need to worry. Will discharge her after three days." He said with clarity.

"Baby? Is she pregnant?" The people exclaimed in unison.

"Yes. You didn't know? She's three weeks pregnant. Congratulations." He said walking away removing the stethoscope from his neck.

"Alhamdulillah!" All of them said passing hugs to one another.

"My son is going to be a dad soon. How sweet." His mom said pinching his cheeks. A nurse emerged from the room. "Sir you can see her now." She said as she flashed them a smile. Iqbal folded his sleeves walking calmly to the room. She was dressed in a grey dress. Sleeping so peacefully. Her arm had a bandage and her hair was messy giving her a messed up look. She had closed her eyes and looked so innocent. He moved closer to her interlocking their hands. He put his hand on her head caressing her rosy face. Stroking her hair,she opened her eyes putting her cold hand on his.

He looked at her eyes,as if seeing the world in them. She smiled faintly trying to sit on the bed. "With ease,habibty" he said. She looked so beautiful and simple and her eyes were the type that you look into and drown in.

"What are you searching for in these troubled eyes?" She asked as her eyes wetted with warm tears.

"Don't ever cry,my world resides in those lovely eyes. Every tear you shed demolishes pillars of my world. You complete me." He said inhaling sharply.

She had never seen him so emotional. His face was red and his eyes shone with honesty. He placed her hand on his chest making her his rapid heartbeat.

"Your presence is felt here and without you,this heart will know nothing about living. It will just exist." He said as warm tears escaped his eyes. She wiped his tears and locked herself in his embrace. "Here is where I live,whether I am away or close my abode is in the lanes of your heart,"she replied.

"And our fruit of love is here" he said placing his hand on her belly. She widened up her eyes as a smile formed on her lips. "Subhanallah. His ways are truly amazing." She said giving him a tight hug. She was weak and fragile but in his arms she felt completely strong. The had faced trials together and their love had grown deeper roots that even the storms never dared to cross their paths.

She lay on the hospital bed weak and tired but her eyes spoke a different version of what others saw. She was a fighter and obviously for a man like him she would fight millions of trials.

The family entered as they whispered congratulations and gave credit to their happiness to Allah.

A week had passed very slowly as each day walked in like a month. Just after her discharge from the hospital,Rima walked into her house where she was at the verge of losing her family. Her sweet family. A family that she had sweated to make,but all wasn't lost. It was a battle of love and all would be fair when love was the topic of discussion. She marvelled at the pictures and got her blue diary. The diary where she had poured her heart out. The same diary that knew her tears and fears,the one that was her companion in the years of extreme loneliness. She went through the pages for one last time and a sigh escaped her mouth.

Iqbal walked in with two cups of tea and a bottle of warm milk for Jamal. "From the master chef,Iqbal. Have the honor to drink my tea." He said winking at her.

She giggled stretching her hand to get the cup.

"I will. Poor me. I have to drink God knows what type of tea is this!" She said chuckling.

He grinned sheepishly brushing his hair with his hands,"At your service my gorgeous to be elephant." He teased.

"Elephant huh! But you will still love me!" She said pulling him to her. He kissed her softly and ran to get the milk to the loud Jamal.

Getting back to their talk,she showed him her diary." I used to pour out my heart here but it seems it's full of you now. This side of me ended when life was about to let go of me. But you are by my side. That's the only thing required. Let these dead emotions get but burnt in fire." She said throwing the diary into the fire.

"Sweetheart,our world starts with Allah and ends with Him. In shaa Allah our story will be completed in Jannah."


Salaam lovelies. Good news and bad news all in one cart.

Bad news is that the next chap will seal the story of Rima and Iqbal. While the good news is that our journey won't end here cause am writing another book soon. Follow it up!!!


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