Chapter 10: fixed hearts

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Aishah narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "Publicize this marriage, and hold it in the Masjid, and beat the Duff for it." (Da'if)

Chapter 10:
fixed hearts

"C'mon the bride to be should wake up right now. You ought to be ready before they come to discuss about your new start. You lazy woman it's time you bid farewell to your world of dreams because now it's all about reality."Rima said as she grabbed the pillow from Naila's head.

It was the long awaited day for both Rima and Naila since the latter deserved much happiness after the misfortunes life had offered her. Her weak prayers weaved her web of dreams which she knew it was impossible for Hassan to compromise in order for what she always prayed for to take a reality turn.

Sajid's family was supposed to come in the evening in order to discuss about the entire thing. Amira was all set. Apart from her snacks,separating the gents area from the ladies and the beautiful set in the living room,she looked more than ready to accept the proposal.

Time flew very fast and it was time to welcome the guests who would be coming to see the nervous Naila.
"Breath in,relax it's all under control. Give me that smile that you used to capture poor Sajid's heart" Rima teased as she helped her get dressed.
Naila rolled her eyes with a smile on her face and one couldn't help see the blush on her face.

"When your day comes I will do the worst to you. Wait and watch"Naila replied dramatically.
"Pinky promise?"

"Yes,pinky promise."

The knock at the door activated Naila's adrenaline glands and her heart was palpitating as if it was going to jump from her chest. She was nervous for the first time in her life. Much happiness had never knocked at her life and all what was happening was like a dream come true.

The gents got a warm welcome full of hugs and salutations. Ilyas spotted Iqbal and he ran like a mad person to welcome the stranger who had become someone important in his life. Next to him sat Sajid,whose eyes were rooted to the ground. His mother had come with his sister and aunt who was Iqbal's mom.

"We all know why we are gathered here today. Mr Hassan,I am much obliged today as we discuss the future of our children in this moment of our lives. Do you accept our proposal?" That came from Sajid's dad who was a straight forward man in all what he did.

"Give me two minutes my brother as I call Naila and ask her about her decision. Amira help her come in please."
Rima held Naila's hand as they walked towards the gathering.
Her palms sweaty,her heart pounding yet she managed to give them a hearty smile. She felt as if she was walking in front of the entire human race. She felt his gaze on her face and suddenly she turned red.

"Baba,am ready alhamdulillah. It's a yes" She managed to battle with her words and say one sentence. It was sufficient for the day but never for the ones who knew the noisy chirpy Naila who filled the house with her laughter and millions of words.

It was a YES



He felt the happiest man on earth. After all it was the girl of his dreams. Someone he always prayed for and a soul he always wished to accompany in the lane of life. He felt very happy. Even the five letters of the word 'happy' never did justice to what he felt.
He feared her response but he yearned to hear her reply. According  to him it was a do or die case. She meant a lot to him but he never managed to show her even an atom of concern.

The two families hugged and the udults were left alone to decide on the next move. The youngsters sat in the garden under the gazebo which was always sheltering either Amira's allies or Hassan's friends.
Iqbal was busy playing with Ilyas while Sajid just watching the two and the three girls exchanging rib cracking conversations as Rima and Fahima teasing Naila and Sajid to their heart content.

"Ree,come play with us. Akhy Iqbal is really boring me with his football stories which never seem to have an end."

"First,don't call me Ree I beg of you,second baby,we will play later when we will get the videogame from the nearby store." She said as she fondled him.

"Someone is getting irritated!?well Ilyas you hit the bull's eye by calling her that name. See,it suits you. Even baby Ilyas knows it too." Iqbal teased as he high fived Ilyas laughing at Rima's reaction.

She was cut by her mom who called them in to let them know about the next thing.

"Let us bond our families with this small engagement now but I promise to throw a big party for the wedding."Hassan said boasfully.

Sajid's mother gifted Naila a diamond bracelet while Hassan's family gifted Sajid A beautiful watch. It was of a nice brand which seemed expensive. The engagement ended with the guests leaving for their home.

Too much happiness and smiles but beneath them was a hidden secret.

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