Chapter 7: Her world of predictions.

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It was narrated from ‘Awf ibn Maalik that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Dreams are of three types: some are terrifying things from the Shaytaan, aimed at causing grief to the son of Adam; some are things that a person is concerned with when he is awake, so he sees them in his dreams; and some are a part of the forty-six parts of Prophecy.”

Chapter 7:
Her world of predictions.

It was two months since Naila left for her studies and it was time for her graduation since she had completed her studies. She was a medicine student who was quite determined to serve the people because of her occupation. She was coming to Iraq to enjoy her holiday before the graduation ceremony which was to be held two weeks later.

Am so excited about the graduation's time to practice what I learnt for the past  five years :) -Nilu

Come on you are not the only one dreaming of that day when you will have that snake like thing called a stethoscope around your neck and that white lab coat on you. You will be looking like an Angel of death :P -Rima

Hahaha how funny of you. Pshhhtt am waiting for the sick Rima who will come to the famous doctor Naila for treatment. I will shower u with injections;) -Nilu

Oh the doctor is famous for making people cry?:( -Rima

Don't be such a cry coming get prepared to receive the famous Naila :*-Nilu

That was the last conversation the two Cousins had. It was very visible that around the people she loved that she grew chirpy,noisy and spoke care freely without any hesitation because Rima was always a shy girl and spoke nothing much in front of the strangers except for the salaam.

"Ummy...hurry up we are getting late for the airport. You know how your daughter is she will start throwing tantrums and the dramatic part of her will get a vast audience at airport. Just put on the abayah and get your charming smile in your face mom...daddy needs it" that was Rima. She gave a mother a wink and went to check on her father.

The punctual man valued every second of his life. He was a time conscious person and he could not help with his wife's behaviour. The woman was classy and loved dressing herself. She was one of those women who loved their closets and cried a lot when they did not find the bags matching with the shoes. It was a family of different kinds of people. The house was roofing a boastful father, a socialist mother and a shy daughter.

They left for the airport and received the soul of the house,Naila who added life to the four walls which heard nothing except Rima's silent prayers, Amirah's complains and Hassan's phone call conversations. She was showered with hugs, kisses and loads of love from her family.

Beside Naila was Sajid. He had studied the same high school with Naila and both went to the same university but since he fell in love with money he opted for economics and since Naila's passion was medicine she was now a doctor and he was now waiting to play the game of money in the name of business.

"Brother we missed you terribly. I hope you will stay with us till we find you a suitable bride who will tie you to her dupatta  and never let you go back again to that land of foreigners." It was Fahima his sister. Naila looked at the two and felt very bad deep inside her heart. They reminded her of a family she dreamt to have. They  immediately left and soon they were at home.

"Rima let me tell you. In London there were several Muslims but my eyes landed on this guy called Wasim ( meant handsome) he was a total wasim with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes and a nice face. He was the kind of a guy who was in the eyes of every Tina,Maya and Fatima. But his behaviour was an opposite image of what his looks offered. He was a drunkard and a true flirt in all senses of womanising. He was a pathetic scene to witness and my eyes really pained when I saw a Muslim doing all sorts of evil."Naila spoke to Rima after they had their lunch that very day." Am sure that he will make an idiot of a husband and he will make hell  be the house of his wife. Mark my words Rima. My predictions never lie." She continued.

" You never know Nilu..Allah is Al Musaytwir maybe his behaviour will change drastically under the control of Allah. Don't make hasty conclusions about people" Rima assured her sister giving her an optimist's point of view.
" Am not drawing any conclusions about his case its just that my predictions are never wrong. Let's see what destiny says with my predictions." Naila concluded sighing at the ever optimistic side of her sister.

"How is your ahem!heart?" That was from Rima. She ever teased Naila and pulled her leg whenever they spotted Sajid. Naila always felt weird around him and it could not help her reduce the red tinge on her face when she caught him stealing glances at her.

"He is Indian..damn it. Baba will never allow me marry him. You know how much he detests Indians. I don't know what is wrong with his mentality when it comes to them. Our religion condemning racism and as old as he is he must be knowing all that. Let's just leave that chapter of my life closed till further notice." Naila said patting her shoulder dramatically.

She continued,"you mentioned that you started working at some company in the city that is,tell me Rima how is the world outside,my sweetheart?" Naila asked with a grin on her face.
Leave up to her to start cheesiness and call people all sorts of sweet names.

Matching with her sisters tone Rima answered,"ah darling the world outside there is full of surprises. U know who my boss is! That flower guy who came the other day to return my purse and wished me a happy birthday. U recall that day we also met him at the restaurant. The same guy I tell you. And he keeps on calling me Ree. Ugh how I hate it when he calls me that."

"Awww, so sweet so cuteee he is a total cutie pie I must say. Ree" Naila commented dramatically giving her a wink.

The two of them started pillow fighting and turned the entire room to a warzone area with stuffy toys lying on the ground. Scarfs all over and feathers flying from the cut pillows.


Assalam aleikum dear readers.
Dupatta-name for a stole in hindi
So here is another package unfolding for you.
Let me get your predictions in the comment box and as usual please vote for every chapter you read.
Barakallah fiikum and may all of you stay blessed during this period. Stay blessed and be happy.

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