Chapter 9 :bling bling night!

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Dedicated khawy2722

The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam has stated, "Marriage is the basis for blessings and children are an abundance of mercy." 

(Al-Kabaair Lith-thahabi)

Chapter 9:
Bling bling night!

"Rima,am inviting you to my wedding please do come I will be much delighted if you honour our friendship with your presence on my special day"Lubna pleaded.

Rima had made a few friends at the business premise and they were the best people she could hang around because they simply valued each other so much.

There was Lubna,who was a crazy cheesy girl who grew fond of Rima the first few days of her work.
Next was Agnes,a red head from UK who believed that Muslims were not as bad as the world tried to portray.
There was Jihan who loved Rima because she found her as a sister tied in the bond of Islam. Jihan was the youngest in the group,she was an intern who would be in the company for a year. She was very polite and spoke very few words.

"Don't worry sweetie I will never miss your big day. I will come okay. Is the bride happy now?" She said.

"That would be the best gift I say" Lubna added.


The wedding had been hosted near Rima's house and it was within her vicinity so she had no problem at all going to the wedding all by herself.
"Am not painting my eyes with the black water. Please mom don't to that. Am okay the way I am."she complained as her mom tried to apply some eye liner on her eyelids.
She hated all stuff to do with make up and the fashion.
Her mother laughed at her hilariously.

"Its not black water. Its called eyeliner."

"Laylana!! Illyas wants laylana" Ilyas said as he jumped up and down to get the accessory.

"Baby,boys don't play with girly things. Here take this" Amira said as she handed him a toy car.

"Zoommmm,zooommm"he went blabbering all the way to the living room.

"Mom,seriously am not putting on all that make up,"she pleaded.
"You are not going for a funeral, are you? So stop being gloomy and take this lehenga as it is an Indian wedding. The purple embroidery will match with your hijab." Her mother handed her the attire and she went to change because her protest fell on deaf ears.

Naila was accompanying her since the two of them never missed to attend any function together.
Naila was dressed in long maxi blue maxi skirt with white top that was embroidered in blue flowers at the end of the long sleeves. She had a blue hijab. She looked stunning.

The two of them got into the car as Rima drove to the venue. They had taken Ilyas with them since Amira was having a slight headache and Hassan had gone to Jedda to visit his childhood friend Assad.

"Ree,Illi wants ishlim"the notorious boy pleaded.
"No ice cream Ilyas baby you have had enough last night and don't call me Ree okay!" She said with a stern look on her face.
She hated that name. It reminded her of him.
And mentioning the devil in her mind tada there he was laughing at what Ilyas was saying. There was Sajid beside him with Fahima and another girl who seemed not interested in the wedding.
Naila had not applied any blush on her face but once she found her eyes darting around him she couldn't help blushing.
Rima snapped her fingers breaking Naila from the world of dreams she was trapped in.
"Assalam aleikum,my to be sister in law and her family. This is Khamisa,my cousin a sister to the other guy standing beside Sajid." She said introducing the two girls to her cousin. "And this is my new friend Rima and my brother's to be wife in shaa Allah"

They exchanged greetings and hugged each other. And the 'other' guy was him. It was Iqbal. She found herself staring at him and he coincidentally looked at her as he curved a small smile on his lips.

She hurriedly looked away diverting her attention to Ilyas who was now on the verge of crying because he wanted the ice cream badly.

He walked towards her making her heart jump as if it was in a gymnastic mood.

He held Ilyas in his hand and took him away to avoid making the ladies get worried about the young boy.

"My brother is a complete softy for kids. Am am so sure he will make the best father in the world."Khamisa said with a smirk on her face.
He fondled him and carried him in his arms.
He stroke his hair and handed him a lolly.

The night was very energetic. The hall was separated with the men's side and the women's side apart.

The girls chatted in a happy mood when all friends met. Agnes and Jihan had come to wish their friend a happy start as her life was taking a new turn.
There were lights everywhere. Bling blings all corners.
The Indian wedding was a beautiful memory etched in Rima's head.
Apart from the desi aunties who looked at Rima and Naila with eyes like that of an interrogator.
"Chill,the desi aunties are always like that. They matchmake in their brains as if they are the best planners In this world." Khamisa giggled.

"You look like a typical Indian, absolutely stunning I must say" Agnes commented on Rima's attire.
She brushed it with a laughter and all friends started enjoying the wedding atmosphere.

Fahima called Rima aside to inquire about the idea she suggested a few days ago.
"Can I hear wedding bells?''she asked.
"Its a Yes alhamdullillah."Rima replied hugging Fahima.
They looked happy and excited.

Soon the bride was leaving her maternal home. She hugged all her friends and tears cascading in her eyes.
The friends hugged wishing her all the best and whispering some duas In her ears.

The girls left the hall waiting for Iqbal to bring Ilyas back.
It seemed that the two of them grew very close at the first meeting. The boy high fived him and gave him a boyish grin.
"Jazakallah kheyr Iqbal,assalaam aleikum"Rima said as she was leaving the place.
"Wa antum fajazakumullahu kheyran,waaleikum salaam." He replied.
The bling bling night had come to an end.

A new hope had grown in Naila's heart and a happy Rima lied down, both of them tired and exhausted but contented with what life was giving them.


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