Chapter 15: Just a mirage

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O mankind! Reverence your guardian-lord,who created you from a single person,created,of like nature,his mate and from them twain scattered countless men and women; reverence God through whom ye demand your mutual rights and wombs that bore you :for Allah ever watches you.(4:1)

Chapter 15:
Just a mirage

The walima was a simple event which was organised by the groom's side. It was held in a beautiful Hall near Sajid's home. The few relatives and friends showed up and mashallah it was very fabulous.

With people talking and laughing there were others too who seemed busy criticizing others. Such people always existed. Talking ill of the food,the decorations or even the groom and bride.

"What did she see in him? The long beard,or the small eyes he posses?!" One of the aunties giggled gossiping about Sajid. She was so choosy and the type of why this why that woman.

"Excuse me Sara aunty? He is my decision. Not your choice. He is my future and not your topic of discussion. Before you talk about him just know that he got me as a wife. Get moving. And what were you saying about what I saw in him. Let me tell you. I saw a dream that I natured with my prayers that we walk together In Jannah." Naila concluded,her eyes shining with confidence. She never had such confidence before. She looked at him and smiled. A smile that crowned his heart.

She walked towards the stage and sat with him. She felt lucky to have him. Her prayers never missed his name and her dreams were always complete with him beside her. She mumbled a silent prayer and looked at Rima who was busying herself with Ilyas,the trouble maker.

"Pweese Ree,Illy wants Iqbal. Lemme go" he cried. This kid was a pro in throwing tantrums. He started practising how powerful his lungs were and he cried so loudly that she left him go. She laughed at him. He was witty. She looked at Naila and gestured her to smile. She felt happy for her. She deserved joy not miseries and it was time her dreams got wings to fly to their destination.

"So how is my queen doing?"
A voice from behind was heard. She looked at him and folded her hands but before she could give him a long lecture of how the men should behave themselves with women,a shadow befell her.

"You are not allowed to tease girls here. Find your fish somewhere else. This is an important day to most of us. If you are here to make a fuss just get out before I kick you out of this place." Iqbal defended her. She felt protected. For the first time she felt him defending her instead of making fun of her name. She walked away from the two men who seemed that they would start a fight anytime soon.

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