Chapter 27: Unexpectedly mine

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And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.(93:5)

Chapter 27:
Unexpectedly mine

The rays of the sun pierced through the light curtains of the window as the summer in Karachi had started. The morning hours had intense heat and luckily for Rima who was already up reading verses from the Qur'an. It was a Sunday morning and obviously a day off from her job.

She took a deep breathe and lifted the curtains letting the beautiful rays of the sun illuminate her dark room. It was seven in the morning and apart from the chirping of the disturbing birds the entire place was really quiet.

She took two steps from her bed and went for a stroll in the garden her mind still thinking about yesterday's incident and what her heart was trying to speak to her. She had seen Iqbal for a few minutes before they all went to play and now she was lost in deep thoughts about the one she called a stranger yet the heart was so good in denying it.

She sat under a tree scribbling down funny cartoons with a twig from the broken branch of the tree and abruptly she found herself writing down his name. It wasn't a joke but her heart was busy beating for the one she knew he'd never be hers even if the entire world goes upside down. She stared at the birds which flew high in the sky with reliance and tawakkul in their Lord. They moved from their nests hungry and famished in search of food. However in the evening they come back to their nests their stomachs full and sleep peacefully. She was amazed by the way they had so  much reliance on Allah.


Walking down the streets under the scorching sun amongst the big crowds he felt so lonely. His mind was far away travelling in the train of thoughts to what her father had told him.

"Will you keep my daughter happy with you till you both walk in Jannah?" Will you support her in all walks of life? Will you keep loving her despite of her flaws?" Her dad had asked the previous day. He walked in slow steps breaking his head with the answers he'd give her dad. Yes he loved her but did Hassan's questions indicate something else.

He loved her so much that every time he saw her tearing apart his soul would shrink and his heart would break in pain. A smile on her face would be his sunshine but having her was a dream far away from reality. That day he was supposed to meet Hassan and tell him his answer. His heart always mocked at him for he knew that she'd never be able to love anyone anymore after how fate toyed with her.

As he was crossing the busy road,his eyes were literally opened but his mind was far away from the reality. He walked like a zombie not focussing on the road his steps slowly on the busy road. He felt a strong grip on his hand. He was pulled away from the road and to his surprise it was her.

"Watch out man! You were almost knocked down by that car!" Rima shouted breaking him from his thoughts.

"Oh I didn't notice the car. Jazakillah for saving my life." He said smiling. She'd saved a life she never joked about losing. "Waantum but be careful you mean a lot to many think of them." She said dryly.

He looked at her and it was as if his heartbeat was the only thing he could hear admist the crowdy place he felt it grow stronger and beat faster. He lowered his gaze and mummbled salaam walking away disappearing in the crowd.

She looked at him while her eyes followed him as if they were accompanying him where he was going. Her heart was throbbing as if it would escape it's cage and follow the one who caused the summersaults in her chest. She smiled and placed her hand on her chest."Oh Allah you know best please take care of the ones I love."


"Ammi,no more discussion on this topic. Please right now am not focussing on marriage!!" Iqbal pleaded with his hell bent mom who knew nothing but her word changed to actions.

"Beta if you like somebody you can tell me. I will get you fixed okay." She said her hands on her heaps with a dramatic pose.

"She can never be mine." He said walking to his room.

"Hold on! Hassan had called and he said.." Before she completed her sentence he cut her short and came back to his mom. "What did he say?" He exclaimed.

His mom chuckled and pinched his cheeks. I knew what your heart was seeking for but son,I will talk to her if you want me to. Besides we received no call. I was just kidding" she laughed.

He felt so disappointed that his shoulders fell and he looked away from his mom. She patted his back and stroked his hair.


The telephone's ring lightened up his head and his eyes lit with hope. His mom fetched the call and turned away her back from him.

"Waaleikum salaam." She said brimming with happiness and pointing to the phone indicating that it was the expected call.

After the telephone conversation she took a laddoo and stuffed his mouth as a tear dropped from her eye. "Congrats dearest! But I think I should tell them that my son is not focused right now. Isn't it?" She said giving him a light hug.

He made a puppy face and his mom burst into laughter. "My son is now a grownup. At last Allah has heard the plea of this worried mother. Alhamdulillah. I will announce this to the rest of the household." She said carrying the box of laddoos smiling all wide.

That meant that she'd agreed to be his. Ya Allah this was so nice he couldn't help but go into a prostration thanking Allah for making the impossible happen. It was a big yes from them. He looked so happy that he cried in solace in his room.

He stared at the stars and smiled exposing his well set teeth showing up the dimples on his cheeks. "Deep down I know that was you Allah. Thanks!" He said hugging his pillow.

A knock came on his door with his siblings barging into his room. "Finally bhai is marrying. I am so happy for you. May Allah bless you! You deserve the entire world's happiness."the two sisters congratulated him.

That was a dream come true. Amongst them all the happiest one was him for he'd never expect her to say yes to him.

He jumped to his bed and held his pillow punching it like a wild cat. He was brimming with happiness. So lucky he felt. Time was rewarding him for waiting so long and never engaging in haraam actions. When Allah wants two hearts to meet He will move both of them not one.

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