Chapter 18:The new lane

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'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'as (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Four are the  qualities which, when found in a person, make him a sheer hypocrite, and  one who possesses one of them, possesses one characteristic of  hypocrisy until he abandons it. These are: When he is entrusted with  something, he betrays trust; when he speaks, he lies; when he promises,  he acts treacherously; and when he argues, he behaves in a very  imprudent, insulting manner."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Chapter 18:

The new lane

"Rima,my daughter,Wasim is a nice person I know he'll keep you happy besides our families have known each other for ages. What do you say?"her father said with an evil smile on his wrinkled face. She looked at him and deep down inside her,she knew that that decision was a heart breaking one. She took a deep breath since she was held by the contract,she nodded her head. He smiled exposing the golden tooth in his jaw. She looked stressed but she was willing to take the chance fingers crossed. It was time to take a decision. A decision that shook her world and left her dreams fall down with thud realizing that dreaming was valid. But they were not always true. She was stuck in her decision but she was always true to her promises no matter what happened to her.

She walked to her room,her shoulders fallen and her face rooted to the floor. She closed her door and confined herself to the memories she had treasured with herself long time ago. She dreamt of having a beautiful life away from all walls that the society built separating her from her world of fantasy where most of her hopes took life.

She looked at her doll which was with her since she discovered herself and threw it to the ground. She opened the windows but today there was mischievous wind. The weather was gloomy. Sad grey clouds sympathized with her tattered condition and the sun was blocked by the enormous clouds. It was just like her. She sat on her table and hugged her knees. She looked outside her house with a tear on her cheek.

There he was. Reading the holy Qur'an. She wasn't expecting to see that face again after her decision but it was the conspiracy of bad timing and fate. Wasim sat engrossing himself in the Qur'an.

Maybe he was her destiny. She thought. She hated imagining him beside her but she stepped into a new phase fingers crossed. There was a knock on her door. She hastened to unlock the door putting on her hijab roughly on her head. It was her father and mom who stood there smiles dancing on their lips.


She gave in to him. They showered her with hugs and kisses as they walked down the hall. She was tensed but no butterflies playing in her stomach. She felt the urge to cry and scream but ah no she couldn't. She sank in the chair playing with her fingers as Wasim and his dad approached her family. She looked at her palms and saw nothing but lines mocking at her. She looked away.

They finalised the wedding stuff and putting a ring on her finger,she was taken. She was his. His to be wife. She brushed that thought with a smile on her face and mumbled shukran  with great difficulty reaping her soul apart. She had to accept the reality. The bitter truth. The truth that stung her like a venomous serpent killing all her hopes and expectations from life.

The wedding was planned to take place a week later due to some technical issues Assad was facing and they needed the wedding to take place as soon as possible.

She was not shocked. She was habituated to that feeling since it was the only flavour in her dead life. She was ready for that too. She buried her hopes and braced herself to accept the future with all the spears,knives it threw at her. She never wanted to go against her word. A promise was a debt,a debt that she never wanted burden her shoulders with. She wore a happy face and accepted life with its imperfections.


The D day had reached and soon Rima wore her wedding gown ready to accept all terms and conditions that laid in her route. The new route that she had never known its destination.

The nikaah was conducted at the local mosque and it was finalised that now she was his. She never believed that such a day would dawn on her but again she reminded herself," you might hate something and it has a lot of good in it" a verse from the holy Qur'an. She accepted him with his imperfections and braced herself to hold on to him till death parted them. After all,he was her husband. She would leave her family the very day and take a flight to Dubai where she would stay with her in laws.

She hugged Ilyas and a tear cut down the emotions she had buried long ago. The boy was too young to notice all that but he planted a kiss on her cheeks erasing all the memories that stung her.

She walked to his four wheeled vehicle after a tearing moment with her parents. She never looked back. She walked gracefully to her future not wanting the shackles to hold her back.

The wedding was a small one because there was no time to plan all the things and nikaah was the  most important thing of all. She sat looking at the trees that seemed to bid her farewell. A foreign touch landed on her skin. She jerked. It was Wasim. She looked at him and smiled. He wore an imaginary crown on his face. He had won. The girl was his. He squeezed her hand and kissed it. He held her chin and gently whispered in her ears

"I promise you heaven my Queen"

She was too tired for more dramatic turns and gave in to him. She let her hand in his. She let go. He was her husband and he had some rights over her. She wasn't eager to start a new fresh with bitterness.

The drive was long enough that she fell asleep in his arms. It wasn't comfortable but she had to get used to it. Her husband. Those words always brought her to reality whenever she dared to dream. She jerked again when he draped his arm on her waist and looked away breaking herself from him.

"Rima,I love you" he said reaching for her hand.

She had no reply. To her surprise they had reached the airport and luckily the driver broke the tense situation when he announced that they had reached their destination.

They walked hand in hand until they sat in the plane. She looked outside the window as the plane took off. Memories left aside,dear people buried in shadows, she dared to take a new lane in her life,since life was like a train taking all possible lanes to reach it's destination at the right time.

She closed her eyes and mumbled," Alhamdulillah"

Happy reading.


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