10 - A New Partner

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Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Are you both alright?" Mayor Mayer asked as he burst into our inn room while we were packing to leave.

"Yeah?" I was confused by his abrupt question.

"Is something wrong Sir?" Storm inquired.

"Yeah. A couple of things actually. For one, there was a huge explosion around the area of the Personas' Chamber about an hour and a half ago," he told us.

"There was? We didn't see anything and we would have been there at the time," I said.

"Wait, I didn't tell you? While I was waiting for the four hours you were gone I wandered around the area for a bit. A huge explosion is what caused me to come dashing back. That's when I saw you with the weapon," Storm revealed.

"You saw the explosion boy? Please, tell me what you know," Mayor Mayer pleaded.

"It was unlike anything I'd ever seen. First there was this black puff of smoke. At least I want to call it smoke but it was completely black, almost as if the area was completely devoid of light. Then after that there was a gigantic display of colours with a loud boom. Red, Dark Blue, Brown, Light Blue, Green, Magenta and a blinding White made up the show I witnessed," Storm described his experience.

"Ugh. This just confuses things even more," Mayer complained scratching his head, "but thank you for your help anyway my boy."

"By the way, how did you know that we went today and that we stayed here? I thought we told you that we were heading to the cave yesterday?" I interrogated the Mayor.

"I am the Mayor of this town you know. Did you think I wouldn't know of the outing you boys had with my daughter yesterday?" he stated with a serious expression.

"I- I apologize for my rude actions and rash judgement," I bowed before him. The Mayor looked at my lowered head and started laughing uncontrollably.

"Don't sweat it!" he chuckled resting a hand on my shoulder and raising me.

"I heard about everything from Cher-" he began.

"Xyder! Are you alright?!" Cheryl exclaimed as she slammed open the door and interrupted her father.

"Ye-" I sarted to speak.

"Thank goodness!" she sighed hugging me.

"Err- Um...." I became flustered by the girl's actions especially in front of her father. The mayor cleared his throat loudly causing her to jump back.

"D- daddy! Eh heh. I didn't notice you were here......" she trailed off.

"Anyway," Mayer turned to me, "I have some other bad news to share. Your grandfather has been warded in a critical condition. It seems that he was targetted for an assassination. What we know is that it was an insider job. One of the Elders was put up to the task. He was killed by your grandfather but not until afyer he pumped the Patriarch with a large dose of a deadly poison. Whether it was purely due to his own purposes or it was ordered by someone from outside, we do not know. If there was a third party involved however, then we can assume it was linked to the explosion in the hills. Be careful Xyder, you may have an 'X' on your back as well."

"I will take care of myself, don't worry. I should take my leave now however, our bus will arrive soon," I assured.

We all journeyed to the bus station and the Mayers opted to wait with us.

"Hey. Are you really headed back so soon?" Cheryl tugged on my t-shirt to grab my attention.

"Yeah, I have to. It seems my Aunt wants me back soon for some reason or the other. Probably because of my Grandfather's inevitable passing. Besides, the tournament starts soon and I should start preparing. After all, my entire future rests on winning this thing," I explaimed.

"Will you ever visit again?" she pressed me staring up with begging eyes.

"I imagine I will. To be honest the time I spent here was pretty enjoyable. I feel as if I haven't been able to take things so easy in a really long time. I'm glad that I was able to experience what I did during the short while here," I said to the girl.

"You're welcome here anytime Xyder," Mayor Mayer joined, "you have done so much for me and my family so this is my way of beginning to repay that debt that I can never return in full to you."

"All this talk of debts and stuff is unnecessary. All of that is in the past now. Just as we move past the bad, we can't always hold on to one good," I gave my opinion to the Mayor.

"That may be so but please allow me to hold true to my promise to your father. I can never betray his trust, especially now that he's gone," Mayer responded.

Once our ride had appeared Storm and I boarded, waving to the Mayers.

"Dad....." Cheryl addressed her father as they waited for the bus to depart.

"What is it Cheryl?" he faced her.

"I... Can I......" she struggled to find her words.

"You want to go with them right?" he smiled.

"H-how did you know?!" Cheryl was shocked.

Mayor Mayer sighed. "I know you still have feelings for that dense fool," he commented.

"Wh- wh- what are you t- talking about?" she blushed.

"I saw that kiss yesterday. You are quite bold to do something like that infront of my door, literally," he grunted.

"Idiot! I hate you stupid dad!" she shouted.

"You know you love me," he smirked, "oh, but if you want to love Xyder, please use protection."

"Shut up!" she hit him in the stomach, "W-wait.... do you mean-?"

"Go on kiddo," he gestured her to the transport vehicle with his hand. Cheryl spun around and sprinted into the bus as its doors began to close. I, unaware of the girl's conversation with her father, was shocked silent when she flung Storm off of the seat next to me and took his place as the bus began to move.

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