46 - I Promise / 47 - The Doctor's Story / 48 - Meeting The Ailani's

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Chapter 46 - I Promise

Xyder Zephyr - POV;

The soft splashing of water on the opposite end of the glass sliding door accompanied by the soft, gentle humming were the only sounds emanating from the surrounding area.

I lay my head and back against it and allowed my thoughts to drift away to past events which had led to our current predicament.

* * * *

"The mark of Blaze?" I repeated as I stared at the fallen assassin.

"Who knows," he spat at me. I stared at him in disgust but refused to act.

"I'm certain that's Blaze," Evie confirmed.

"And I'm certain that your breats are by far the most plump and luscious pair I've ever felt," he snickered. It took every part of my will and power to not break his teeth and make him swallow them. Seeing my struggle and realising I could not speak to him rationally, Evie decided to take over.

"We'll ask again. What is your aim? Why are you here? Who sent you?" Evie interrogated.

"I have no obligation to answer you," he growled, "although the information we had on you two doesn't seem to be accurate. No one said both of you could use fire."

"Information? Who gave you information on us?!" She demanded.

"I don't owe you anything," he laughed, "Although, if you let me bend over that supple body of yours and- gaah!"

The assassin screamed out in agony as I twisted his broken leg around an entire three hundred and sixty degrees. I drove my shoe straight into his face and his head not only slammed into the ground but was half buried in it.

"Xyder!" Evie squealed, her arms still folded across her naked chest. In that single moment of rage I had acted in no remorse but now I already felt a bit of sorrow and pity for the bloodied, unconscious murderer.

"Let's go. He'll either be picked up by his friends or he'll rot away in here. Either way, he's not our problem," I muttered.

"Yeah. Wait, you're coming with me?!" Evie exclaimed.

"Of course. I already came all the way out here and especially after this, I can't leave you," I responded. She shook her head and stepped towards me but immediately I recognised the wobble in her gait.

"The poison, it's affecting you," I murmered.

"I, I'm fine!" she exclaimed.

"You're not," I grunted bending down and picking her up bridal style.

"E- eeeeh?!"

"Don't exert yourself. If your heart gets pumping it'll spread the venom more quickly," I stated grimly.

"Hold on," I warned as flames began to form around my legs, "I haven't mastered flying yet."

Forcing the flames to shoot downwards, we were propelled into the air at a fair speed. With my endurance already spent, I was far from stable in my control over the element and our flight was anything but smooth.

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