153 - The Girl Who Cried Wolf

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Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Hyaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Jacqueline erupted in a battle cry as she rushed with her greatsword in both hands. Barilliant blue flames coated its length and trailed behind it as she swung it at me in a horizontal arc. Prepared for her strike, I performed a triple backflip and put some distance between us.

She placed one foot far ahead of her and leaned forward slightly as she passed her fingers along the edge of the blade, causing it to spew forth even more fire.

"Come on, you can do better than that. Limit yourself to close-range and you won't go anywhere!" I shouted.

She sprinted towards me once again, but  this time she performed a cartwheel before leaping into the air and bringing her sword down right above me. I looked up, both impressed and surprised. Adopting a grin, I held Ragnarök firmly as my body was engulfed by my own orange flames. We both clashed head on and, unsurprisingly, I pushed her back with little effort. She landed on one knee and panted as I walked over to her and helped her up to her feet.

"I'm... I'm done. I can't go anymore for today," she said between breaths.

"Yeah... we've been training all day, so even I'm feeling it a bit," I admitted.

"That was so cool Jacqy! I didn't know you could do all that!" Disas announced excitedly, running over to us.

"Seriously, you were flipping and jumping all over the place!" Fira remarked.

"All your time doing gymnastics as well as track and field was so worth it! I knew you had a knack for it when Mom and I told you to give it a try!" Dagan cheered.

"Yeah... I guess I owe you for encouraging me to start it Dagan," Jacqueline told him, "Besides, this sword isn't as heavy as it looks so that definitely helps. But using this thing is so tiring and it kinda sucks that I can't really control this fire freely like an element. It just pours out of my Persona."

"You used some kind of water attack in the tournament didn't you?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but it all just happened in the moment. I tried it again after but I don't really know how to make it work properly. I have alot of practicing to do still," she muttered.

"Hah!" Satella cried out from some distance away. She had been speeding and dancing fluidly around Rydia who struggled to keep up with the girl's rapid, random, thief-like movements. Some twenty flame clones appeared around Rydia as a cloak of fire encircled Satella herself. They launched a combined attack on the Epitome of Aqua who stood little chance by herself. Storm appeared in the middle to lend the losing girl some aid but he quickly regretted his decisions as he was swiftly dispatched by Satella and her clones. Collecting a solid blow to the abdomen he was launched across the ground and rolled helplessly across it as he dropped his weapon. Instantly, Satella dropped her offense and rushed to him.

"Storm are you okay?!" Satella enquired worriedly.

"Yeah," he answered, slowly rising to his feet, "But holy crap... I can't keep up with you. When did you get so strong?!"

"I'm still learning how my Great-Grandmother's Heirloom works but already it can let me do so many new things!" she stated excitedly.

"You didn't even master it yet and you're so good? Damn... but don't think I'm letting you and Xyder leave me behind though. I'll pass you guys again in no time!" Storm proclaimed.


The explosion and crackling of lightning pulled our attention to the pure havoc and chaos being unleashed by Evelynn and Sorine as they both clashed in bursts of electricity. They zipped around and unbelievable speeds brandishing shimmering weapons and leaving a trail of destruction behind them. The ground was torn to shreds around them and the terrain had been morphed completely. Evelynn, who evidently was copying Sorine's natural ability, was using it in conjuction with her unyielding assault of vines and trees while Sorine had fully tapped into her Light Magic.

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