49 - Whispers of the Wolf

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Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Come this way," Jaya called as she led us through the maze like halls of the Library. She had brought us without hesitation upon seeing the note Evie had brought.

"About a year ago some people from the Blaze Clan had come here to 'seek information' from the Library in this town. They wouldn't give mom a clear answer and she was content with not interfering with them for as long as they left us alone but I knew that wasn't good enough. Those people had obviously come seeking something important and I wasn't going to let up until I knew what it was. They oozed bad intent so I knew I couldn't trust them but mom wouldn't listen so I took matters into my own hand. After their first search, I snuck in taking notes of everything they search for. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING they looked for had to do with the Elemental Deities, The Beginning Of The Elemental Era and curiously, The Zephyr Clan."

"Wait, they were researching us?!" I exclaimed.

"It seems that way," Jaya continued, "Although I believe that it's not really you all per se but your ancestors. It is widely believed that an old Elemental Clan held the secrets and were the pillar which started and gave birth to this Era of Elements. If what I saw in some old texts is true being that this old clan was unique since its members could wield any one element, that means that they were very much like the modern Zephyr Clan. Also, if this paper you just showed me is real, then the Zephyr Clan may just be the very same family who was at the forefront of this time's creation only you were rebranded under a new title!"

"But how is that important?" I asked.

"How is that important?!" Jaya shouted, "I'll tell you how! For centuries scientists have been trying to understand they way in which our Elemental powers work but for the past few centuries they have made little to no progress! If we knew the origin of the powers then this could mean a number of great things for the future like free energy, endless food supplies and so much more. All we have are stories of Elemental Gods and destruction which led to a pitiful friendship out of guilt, and frankly that's the most preposterous thing I've ever heard. Few people believe in those old tales again. But what if, just what if there were Gods in the old days and we were wrong in doubting all this time. If Zephyr really is the descended from this Primordial Clan then we may find the answers we seek in the Zephyr Clan itself! This would be the discovery of a lifetime!"

"But what does Blaze care of all this?" Evie inquired.

"I have no idea," Jaya responded, "Although possessing the secrets or powers which created the world of Elements we live in would no doubt make that person who owns it an unstoppable force if they know what they're doing! The power you could derive from such knowledge is tantamount to enough to end even the world! But tell me, why are you doing this kind of research? There is no way it's just for the fun."

Evie looked at me apologetically before responding, "It's true. I wasn't doing this as a fun side project."

"What? What are you saying? Evie?! You.... you lied to me?!" I boomed in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Xyder! I knew you wouldn't be happy to know the truth which is why I kept it secret!" Evie cried out, "The truth is I'm seeking a God said to possess powers beyond any we could even imagine. One said to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent!"

"Where will you find a being like that? And what do you want power for?! This isn't like you!" I argued.

"Shh. In here both of you," Jaya beckoned. She removed some books from a shelf and fiddled around with a series of buttons along the wall. A loud, resounding click signified the opening of a large portion of the wooden structure. It swung outwards like a door revealing a hidden passageway behind. Jaya waved us in as she picked up a single candle that would be our only source of illumination once the door was completely sealed behind us. She marched forward briskly leaving Evie and myself to follow.

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