74 - Coffee with a Side of Flexing

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Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Hey.... hey... hey... hey... hey... oi... oi... oi... oi... oi... yo... yo... yo... yo... yo... hey... hey... hey... hey... he-"

"Ugh what the hell Evelynn?!" I roared shooting up from my bed to confront the annoying girl who had been sitting on my legs.

"Hmph. I've been calling you forever now. It's your fault for not answering," she pouted and crossed her arms.

"Sure, but what the hell are you doing in the guys' room anyway?!" I retorted.

"Oh my...." Evie gasped, "Don't tell me that you beastly men intend on grabbing this poor helpless maiden in your room and-"

"No!" I shouted in unison with the other guys who had been awakened by Evelynn's determined calls.

"Aww, that's boring. You guys need to grow a pair.... cowards," she teased.

"I swear to-" I clenched my teeth, holding back my onslaught of word. "Ugh, just tell me what you want."

"I can't. Too many people around. They won't look at us the same if I tell you here," she giggled mischievously.

Her evil tone and expression was instantly explained by the suspicious glares I recieved from the guys around us. Unwilling to even try fighting down their thoughts, I hurriedly marched outside, leading my sister by the arm and escaping an awkward situation quickly.

"Can you talk now?" I inquired.

"X-xyder?! W-what are you doing?!"

Satella's voice pulled away my attention away from my sister and to my surroundings. It was only then that I realised that the hallway outside our rooms was littered with a number of fighters from the other teams, primarily female, all of whom stared at me either shockingly, angrily or curiously. It didn't take long for me to figure out why.

"Xy....." Evie muttered.


"Is now a good time to tell you that you ran out here pretty much naked except for your boxer shorts?"

"Kill me now and save me the embarrassment," I growled as I walked away slowly, throwing on the vest and jeans Evie had picked up for me.



"As I wanted to say before-" Evie paused taking a large mouthful of the Iced Coffee Chiller in her hands through an odd heart-shaped straw, "I think that I've found another clue that can link us to the Wolven Devil even with the book gone."

"Hmm? Is that so?" I murmered, faking interest as I tied my hair back into a ponytail. An unusual silence persevered and out of curiosity, I looked up at Evie from the crossword puzzle I had been filling out all this time. She had been glaring at me through half closed eyes as if trying to peer into my soul itself.

"Umm.... you okay?" I giggled awkwardly.

"Do you really care about my research or are you more interested in flexing your muscles at a café in a tight tank top and doing your hair as the females in here all fawn over you?" Evie grunted almost angrily. I scanned the room quickly and realised that, as she said, a number of the girls in here had been throwing looks my way, turning quickly upon eye contact. Honestly though, I was more concerned about the two guys that had begun watching me as well......... Guys, I don't swing that way.

"Honestly," I responded, "after what I saw in that library, this Devil of yours has gotten me interested. The mere fact that Blaze was so interested in his book tells me something is up with him that we may not know. Plus, if what he wrote in that note was true, he is a descendant of Zephyrus and one of our ancestors. That's way too interesting if anything in my book."

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