16 - Tag Team: Xyder × Dagan

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Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Damn that Sorine!" I bellowed as we waited on news of Satella's health.

"She is absolutely disgusting! I will make sure that she pays!" Storm spat.

"Sorine isn't really a bad person at heart. I must admit that she did act way out of line today however," Dagan stated as he approached us.

"It won't change anything but I want to say that I am sorry for what happened to Satella," he continued.

"You have no reason to apologise Dagan. You weren't the one who did the deed," I growled.

Dagan sighed and looked at me. "I know it isn't the right time but just let me say that you did great out there... both of you. Keep it up alright?" he said. He pat me on the shoulder before walking away.

* * * *

The second day of the tournament had quickly crept up on us. After learning that Satella was in a stable condition, Storm and I returned home to prepare for today.

Cheryl and Alva had carefully spent the evening worriedly tending to my cuts and bruises from my battle and expressing their discomfort over me continuing. I also learned that Alva had reluctantly allowed Cheryl to stay at her house since we were engaged. Nevertheless, Alva kept a sharp eye on us at all times claiming that it was her duty to ensure that we didn't engage in 'slack and unbecoming activities'.

Storm and I dropped by the hospital before heading to the coliseum and we were allowed to see Satella in her room. By the time we had arrived at the stadium. The first match had ended and they were just about to announce the second.

"For our second match today, we have special rules!" the referee announced, "Rather than the usual two, this match will feature four combatants simultaneously! Two of these will ascend to the next level and the first two combatants to have their badges broken will be disqualified! Combatants may choose to enter into self made teams or fight it alone. Either way, even if two members choose to help each other, they may still turn on their 'ally' and knock them out of the game. The choice is yours! Now, please put your hands together for our fighters; Xyder Zephyr, Crysta Zephyr, Rydia Zephyr,Epitome of Aqua, and Dagan Zephyr,Epitome of Terra!"

The four of us marched onto the four corners of the field.

"In order to make things more exciting we will let each if you pick a theme for the stage to take on. Choose wisely and you may recieve the chance to gain an edge!" the bunny girl told us.

"Well then, I obviously say Earth!" Dagan declared.

"Then I Water!" Rydia burst out.

"And I Ice!" Crysta confirmed.

They all turned to look at me.

"And you Xyder?" the bunny girl referee asked.

"I..... er.....I um- Darkness!" I stuttered as I grasped at straws.

"Darkness? Do you mean Shadow?" The referee inquired.

"No, I mean Darkness!" I blurted out automatically. Wait, what the hell am I saying?!

"I don't think there is a Darkness.... wait what?" she paused to listen into her earpiece, "There is a Darkness theme?! Oh okay. Then Darkness it is!"

The roulette wheel was spun and we all sat back, waiting to see the theme to be chosen. The theme could determine the winner in an instant as an Elemental Vessel became so much stronger, the more of their element around them.

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