67 - Conflict Arises on Day Two

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Dagan Zephyr - POV;

"You know... I think I ship them," Celes giggled to me as we looked upon our resting allies. Winter and Storm had, through most of the night, both nursed the incapacitated Disas who now lay on Winter's thighs. Winter herself had fallen asleep against a tree, resting her head on Storm's shoulder whom had fallen into unconsciousness right beside her. Although their current position was merely by chance as a result of their shifting during sleep, I had to admit that I found them rather fitting and nodded to the Epitome of Wind.

Day had only just broken and in the dawning skies, the eerie darkness were quickly being overcome by a warm orange hue as the brilliant rays of the sun pierced through, signalling the rise of a new morning. A loud yawn dragged our attention back towards our friends. Storm turned his head slightly and opened his eyes slowly, only to find himself face to face with none other than Winter. As if by clockwork, she suddenly awoke and the two stared at each other for a few moments before coming to their senses.

"Kyaaah! Pervert! Lecher!" Winter squealed launching a barrage of icicles at the boy who ducked and rolled in an attempt to emerge unscathed.

"Don't come near me again monster!" she bellowed amidst the hearty laughter from Celes and myself.

"Huh? What's going on?" a soft voice asked groggily. We all froze as we looked at the stirring girl.

"Disas!" Winter wailed as she latched onto her, squeezing the life out of the girl.

"It's good to have you back!" Storm exclaimed with a laugh.

"You did well. We couldn't ask for more," Celes smiled as she cupped her own hands around Disas'.

"You really had us worried there. But thank you.... for protecting these two runts and saving us," I grinned as I patted her on the head.

I could tell that Disas was embarrassed by the excessive attention as her head lowered and her face grew red. Even so, the gentle smile she tried to hide made it evident that she was happy.

"Well, now we know what to expect from these lands," I said, gaining everyone's attention, "It is a brutal and unforgiving place. With this in mind, we should move out quickly and maintain an utmost level of discrete action."

They all nodded with determined acknowledgement as we dashed off, our eyes set on the second biome ahead of us; A rocky plateau.


Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Jaqueline!" Satella yelled as the girl was launched through the air by an unanticipated blast.

"What the heck?!" I exclaimed, looking back to my comrades.

"Xy watch out!" Evie warned, giving me time to just barely dive out of the way of an incoming attack.

"Ugh. What is this? Is it-"

"Water beam incoming!" Sorine shouted, meeting the projectile with her own lightning.

"Could it be? Neptulus?! Aquarius?!" I boomed.


An abrupt wind blew past and all I could see were streaks of blue as a figure zipped past me.

"Don't you dare speak the name of our Lady," a girl dressed in a tight, sleeveless dress split from her right thigh until the bottom hissed. In her left hand she held a sheathe at her waist and in her right was the handle of a katana whose blade was half buried in its sheathe. Without raising from her stooped position and with a single motion, she completely sheathed her sword as blood squirted out from a gash on my side. I staggered as I held onto the wound and ground my teeth in anger as I stared at the young woman.

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