165 - Prayer For Recovery

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Catherine Zephyr - POV;

"We know your position but you must understand, we cannot allow anyone to enter the room, Madam Zephyr," one of the guards stated, "We are under very strict orders. Unless you get permission from much higher powers we can't allow you to pass."

"I understand your plight. In that case, if I were to subdue you both and force my way in, you would not find yourself in any trouble, isn't that right?" I enquired.

"What? That's... um..." he stammered as he and his partner raised their guard, despite their arms trembling slightly. It seems they knew that a fight against me wouldn't be an easy one, not to mention the political implications.

"Stand down," a stern voice demanded as a dominant female figure approached us from the rear.

"Lady Emilia?!" they exclaimed with a salute.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Lady Catherine," Grisha's wife acknowledged me with a humble bow, "Please forgive these two for their denial of your request. They were merely following orders to keep my husband safe."

"I understand their intentions. There was no ill will. It's a pleasure to see you Lady Emilia," I told her.

As we walked past the guards and along the halls leading to the Regulus' room where he remained under intensive care, Emilia addressed me, "I appreciate your efforts to come all the way here in this difficult time."

"Political relations and his aid to the Zephyr Clan aside, I have a fairly familiar relationship with Regulus Astra. It would be incredibly amiss of me to not offer him my support in his struggle," I responded, "But before that, might I ask how you are coping with all of this?"

"It's been... a trying period. I haven't yet begun to come to terms with it. The little hope I have is dwindling," she answered, "Indira's loss weighs heavily on my heart... as it does on everyone's. I can only pray that Grisha isn't taken away from us. What about you? You've been through much worse. Grisha is still holding on but you did indeed lose Kristæl and unlike Indira to me, Evelynn was your daughter by blood. Have you been been able to get by?"

"Just barely but I have. The hardest thing in all of this has been having to explain the situation to Caitlyn and to look at the devastation on her face when she realized that she would never see her beloved sister and brother and play with them as she once had. Knowing that I had to put on a brave face for her sake is the only thing that has kept me going," I murmered.

"I completely understand. I haven't been able to bear the sight of Nariko putting on a brave façade while she grieves so bitterly. It's taking a toll on her and it hurts me to see her try to hide her tears," Emilia sighed, opening a door to her right, "Here we are."

I followed her lead inside and was greeted by the sight of the great Regulus Grisha Astra, bandaged from head to toe with his life being supported by a conglomeration of bizarre machines and contraptions. I knew that even if he miraculously came out of this state, he would never be anywhere near the same. The half burnt state of his face was nothing compared to the brutally shredded left arm and irreparable right leg he had been left with after his battle. Nariko Astra, his sole surviving descendant, sat at his side motionlessly as she was seemingly lost in thought.

"She's been like this for a while," Emilia noted.

"I see," I whispered, stepping towards the girl and gently lowering myself onto the seat beside her, "How are you dear? It's been a while since we've met."

Nariko raised her head slowly and looked at me blankly before speaking, "Hello. You are.... Xyder's step-mother right?"

"Yes. Catherine Zephyr. I knew you since you were but a young baby. My husband and your father were very close," I explained.

"I know. Mr. Kristæl Zephyr, right? I heard the story from my dad," she replied.

"It's difficult, isn't it? It hurts alot. I know it does. I feel it too. You may feel scared . You might even want to cry out in agony and fear... but that's okay. Even I experience this. Just remember, you are strong. Like your brother, your sister and your father, you are a formidable warrior. You will get through this and with time the pain will become bearable. As for your father, he is a man straight out of legends. Something like this can't take him down. I know he will return better than ever," I assured her.

"Yeah," she murmered, seemingly distant but I could sense a hint of hope in her tone.

"Nariko, let's go gather some things for your father. We'll give the two of you some time, Catherine," Emilia announced as she and her adopted daughter departed.

I looked at the Astra Regulus' still body woefully as I spoke, "It is unfortunate, Grisha... the state that this world has come to. You and I may not have seen eye to eye for some time but your actions in guiding Xyder and aiding Zephyr have reminded me of the reason Kristæl saw you as his sworn brother. Your selflessness and excellence cannot be overstated. I pray to the Deities that you may overcome this obstacle in ypur path to bettering this forsaken Earth. I pray they lend you their strength."

Placing my palm on his hand, I allowed some of my healing power to flow into him as I continued, "Despite your efforts, Blaze couldn't be stopped. They've destroyed Fenix and now reign terror on the world. They have not acted further as of yet and to be honest, I'm not sure they ever will. They don't seem to be in a hurry. It's almost as if they've already achieved their main goal; the annihilation of Fenix. It's unfortunate that you and Astra had to suffer for trying to save a clan that wouldn't help itself. A terrible future awaits with the shift in power that shall result from this. We can only hope that good can shine through in this chaotic mess of evil."

??? - POV;

"Detective Gina! A report!" one of the junior officers called out as he approached.

"My God, look at you sprinting over here. That's some dedication to your duties," I remarked, "What was your name again?"

"Officer Meekins, ma'am."

"Aww, you're so adorable! I'll have to put in a few words for you. You should be able to expect a promotion or at least a raise. We need more men on the force as hardworking as you!" I smiled.

"Oh... um. Thank you," he blushed.

"So what were you so excited about earlier?" I enquired.

"Oh... uh, well we found something. They were clearing the bits of the coliseum building that was covering the arena and we found a bunch of weird marks on the floor and-"

"Weird marks?! At the Coliseum grounds?! Of course! Rael! Come on, we're heading out immediately!" I called to the young boy.

"Yes! Of course, Lady G!" he squealed and he bounced into view. Within minutes, we were flying down to the scene in my prized supercar. As I slammed on the brakes and we came to a screeching halt, I bolted from my seat and barged into the open, misshapened terrain. The malformations resulting from the intense strugfle between Fenix and Zephyr persevered. Normally it would have been corrected by this point, however it remained untouched as a result of the tragedy.

I stepped over to a patch of blackened, grass, perfectly shapen into what appeared to be intricate glyphs. As I dropped on one knee to inspect it, Rael appeared behind me as curious as always.

"What is that Lady G? It looks cool!" he squealed.

"Cool it most certainly is, my dear. This feeling... this scent... it's so strong. There is no doubt about it! This is the very spot where he emerged! His powers blasted forth at their fullest, scarring the very earth beneath him! There is an unusual lingering of death at this place, however there is no doubt that his corruption still festers in the air! Our God has broken free of his seal and come back to us! But if he appeared here, then that means.... I see. How didn't I see this sooner? It all makes sense!" I laughed.

"What do you mean Lady G? Did you figure something out?" Rael questioned.

"Don't worry my dear. It will become clear with time. For now, we have a new mission. We must find Xyder Zephyr."

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