43 - Your Love, I'll Earn It! / 44 - A Family Man / 45 - Born To Be A Team

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Chapter 43 - Your Love, I'll Earn It!

Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"But you're the one who said you wanted to leave today! I already told the driver we were Evelynn!" I shouted.

"I know! I know, but you don't understand Xy! I'm onto something big! I'm so much closer than I have ever been to unraveling the secret of the Lost Gods! I'm begging you! We have to stay a little longer! Just one day Xy! One day!" Evie pleaded.

"Tch. Damn it! So what? Now I have to go tell him that we're not going anymore? How the heck are we even sure we'll get a ride tomorrow?!" I boomed.

"I'll sort it out! I promise!" she exclaimed.

"You'd better!" I snarled walking out of the inn room and slamming the door behind me. I walked out to the old oak tree which overlooked the small pond in front of the building. In frustration, I pounded my fist against the trunk, chipping away the tough bark in the process.

"Don't you think you're being a bit too harsh?" Storm asked stepping alongside me.

"Too harsh? Evelynn is supposed to be 'in charge' and the 'eldest'. Instead she's just being a little brat and acting like a spoiled child! She would rather risk jeopardising our sole mission than miss out on her chance to follow her occultic fairy tails of gods. What's next? Unicorns?!" I spat.

"Xyder, you know more than anyone that Evelynn is far from selfish. She has to have a good reason for pursuing this in the way that she is," Storm reasoned.

"Oh yeah. I'm sure researching a Lost God who probably doesn't exist like the rest of them would bring sooooo much good to others," I said sarcastically.

"Xyder. I have to ask, why don't you believe in our Gods? They are practically the only explanation we have for pur abilities," Storm inquired further.

"It's a long story but I'm not sure how you can believe in someone after they betrayed you," I growled.

"So even if I told you that I saw the Devil, you wouldn't believe me?"

Storm and I turned around to face the new voice. Dagan had snuck up behind us and now stood with arms folded.

"The Devil? What are you talking about? Did you see him?" I asked.

"No. It was just a hypothetical question," he explained.

"I figured. Anyway, I'm headed off to meet Cheryl at the square," I told them both.

* * * *

"Xyder!" the pink haired girl screamed as she pounced on me, almost strangling me with her hug.

"Yeah, great to see you too Cheryl," I coughed taking her off of me and setting her on the ground.

"Hmph! You could at least act more excited!" she pouted.

Cheryl had split temporarily to visit her grandparents in one of the nearby villages. We were supposed to meet her there yesterday but as planned, she came back here today in case we didn't finish the Trials in time to depart.

"So are you guys ready to leave yet?" she asked.

"Well, here's the thing. Evie actually decided to push back till tomorrow so we're stuck here for another day," I answered.

"Did she now? In that case, we have a whole day to ourselves!" Cheryl cheered.

"Wait, what?"

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