77 - Let's Party!

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Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Why are we here again?" Sorine asked almost as if she were complaining.

"I don't know. Nero asked that we bring everyone here but I don't see him anywhere," I responded.

"But why only us? What ebout everyone else in bro's team?" Jaqueline questioned.

"He said my team alone..... As I said, I don't know what's happening," I repeated.

"Speak of the devil. There he is coming right now," Evelynn pointed out. Nero came running to us dressed exquisitely in suit and tie though this clashed heavily with the sunglasses he brandished on his face.

Welcome, welcome my friends! I'm glad you're here! Let me show you around," he grewted before beckoning us to follow, "This place is amazing for hanging out! It's got a bar, a karaoke lounge, an arcade, a diner! Everything to quench a fun lover's heart's deepest desires. But come, come. The real reason I asked just you guys to come along is right behind here all the way to the far back!"

Being in the lead, Nero held the door open and motioned us inside the spacious room. There, my eyes fell upon the flowing white hair and shimmering golden eyes of a figure whom we had all been quite familiar with.

"H-hello, everyone! It's- It's been a wha- uh while!" Crystal Angus, our team's official in the tournament, greeted as she shot to her feet and bowed.

"You guys chill in here. I'm gonna put some orders in for grub. I can't wait, food here's the best!" Nero announced, closing the door as he departed.

"Hi Crystal. It's really been a while actually. Since before the first match right? How are you?" I asked her as we all found ourselves seated on the comfortable couches placed neatly in a circle around an intricate glass table.

"I'm good. Um... first, congrats everyone! You did really good in the tournament so far! And um, I hope everyone is okay. I saw it and uh, it was really bad. You guys  did amazing but you got beat up too. I hope you're okay," she said.

"We should have done better though. Second place doesn't cut it," I murmered.

"That's not true. You can't push yourselves too hard," she squeaked.

"Most of us are healed completely by now. It's been two weeks by now after all. And really, Xyder and Dagan got is the worst with broken ribs and bleeding internals for the former while the latter had some pretty bad cuts through his body and intestines. Both were told to rest until completely healed but only Dagan listened though," Evie explained.

"Evelynn!" I boomed.

"Is that true?" Crystal cried out.

"Uh.... Yeah... but I was feeling fine from the day after so it's alright! Really!" I admitted.

"No, you can't do that! You have to take care of yourself! Let me see!" she exclaimed reaching out and running her hands down my abs and ribs.

"It's fine- agh!" I winced in pain as she pressed on the injured bone.

"See? You're hurt!" she stated.

"Ahem!" Sorine cleared her throat loudly grabbing both of our attentions. The Epitome of Lightning looked at us like fools while Evelynn, to her right, held her camcorder in our direction with a perverted smile, Jaqueline to her left, looked away from us in embarrassment and Satella, between Evie and Sorine, stared at the floor with jaw clenched and hands gripped tightly to her knees.

As if coming to her senses, Crystal jumped back and squealed with flushed cheeks, "S-sorry I didn't mean to.. I wasn't thinking. Sorry!"

"Hey everyone! Food's gonna be here in a minute!" Nero shouted excitedly as he burst through the door but paused upon seeing the atmosphere inside. "Bad time?"

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