21 - Jekyll and Hyde (Part I)

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Xyder Zephyr - POV;

The night before the final day of the tournament was hectic to say the least. Alva had invited EVERYONE to the house to hold a celebratory bash for my reaching the finals. Catherine had arrived with her two daughters first, followed by Storm and Satella. Dagan and Rydia showed up eventually and soon I was recognising the faces of my classmates from school pop in in my backyard which was curious considering that..... well, lets just say I don't go to school often..... if you can even count three days for the term (semester) as being present at all.

Everyone was having a blast drinking, eating and just partying in general. Who knew that Alva could actually be fun? That being said, these tyles of social gatherings haven't exactly been my thing since I hid myself away. But now after my talk with Evie, I felt I was ready to break out of this shell I created and this was a good first step. Shockingly Fira revealed her face and even took the lead to converse with me. Although it was awkward at first, we were laughing up a storm together with Dagan and Rydia in no time.

Only when elders began to drop in though did the most surprising thing of all happen. A black,luxury, multimillion dollar sportscar pulled up in the driveway. A pair of bodyguards emerged first and after scanning the area they proceeded to open the door of the vehicle.

Out stepped Seraphim whom used his sheathed katana as a walking cane in order to approach the house. Everyone went dead silent as the two of us glared at each other with stern eyes. I knew that things could never be as they once were between us but I outstretched my arm hoping to perhaps mend our relationship even slightly. I had only just come to realise that this hatred I kept for the old man only served to hurt me and it did him nothing. The time and energy I put into hating him only took away from me and not him. I was the only one suffering from this hatred.

Seraphim shook my hand and one could hear everyone around us breathe a chorus of sighs from their relief that the situation had not escalated.

"You have come far," he said in a monotone.

"I have," I replied similarly.

"So it seems," he released his grasp, "but just let me say that you will not be winning the match tomorrow."

"We'll have to wait and see now won't we?" I stated.

Seraphim let out a grunt and retreated without saying any more.

After almost everyone had left and we were busy packing up for the night, Evie pulled me aside and whispered, "You remember the plan right?"

"Of course I do. Am I really that forgetful in your eyes?" I asked rhetorically.

"You are," she teased.

In no time I found myself in a deep sleep as I prepared for the next day.

* * * *

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the day we have all been waiting for!" The referee girl shouted into her mic hyping up the audience, "The entire tournament has built up to this one moment! I present to you our finalists for today's match!"

The crowds went wild with excitement and one could see the ecstasy bubbling over from the thousands present. We entered the field together creating even more noise among the trembling onlookers.

"On my right I have Xyder Zephyr, the berated heir himself! He has clawed his way from almost certain defeat any number of times now and has proven every one who ever insulted his fortitude and strength to be litte more than a fool. Will he leave the victor in today's and add insult to injury to all those voting against him or will he face a crushing defeat against his opponent......which leads me to our second contestant. On my left we have Sorine Zephyr, The Lightning Princess and our Epitome of Fulgur. Sorine has proven time and time again that she is a powerful Vessel with her incomparable strength and prowess in battle. Will she continue this trend and see a swift victory?!"

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