97 - Families' Dinner

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Grisha Astra - POV;

"Here you are sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?" a timid nurse inquired handing me a glass of water.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you," I smiled at her.

"Oh and there is someone here that wanted to see you. We told him it'd be fine if you were willing after we checked your stitches. Would you like to let him in?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure. Tell him to come," I responded. She had hardly even left before the windows to my hospital room flew open and a familiar figure leapt through.

"Man, I hope you have a billion dollar reward for me. To think I saved the infamous business mogul and Regulus-since-fifteen, Grisha Astra. When I heard that last night I almost flipped into a trashcan, like literally," Kristæl burst out.

Between his entrance and his sudden outburst, I wasn't exactly sure how I should respond. He stared around the room somewhat curiously as if scanning every nook and cranny for something.

"How much do you want?" I eventually found myself questioning.

"Everything," he responded nonchalantly, "Your properties, your wealth, your real estates.... give me it all."

"What?" I answered, stunned.

"You heard me didn't you?" he muttered seriously.

I looked down at my hands pondering his request. I could just ignore him completely but it wouldn't sit well with me to do so.

"I'll give you half of it all," I told him.

"Huh? Woah, woah, woah! I was kidding!" he exclaimed returning to his light-hearted tone, "Don't be so quick to give away your livlihood! My God!"

"So then what did you want?" I pressed.

"Nothing, dude. Don't worry about it. Saving someone in a pinch isn't something worthy of a reward, it's what should come naturally. If anything, I'm sorry about the rest of your allies. By the time I got there, it was already too late for them," he sighed.

"Mr. Astra, how are you this morning? Oh, I didn't know you had a guest come in," a doctor said as she entered the room.

"I feel much better, especially compared to last night," I grinned.

"That's great. You still need a couple days of rest to completely recover but things seem to be looking great for you. Do you remember what happened to cause your injuries now?" she enquired.

"Didn't I give you all a report a few hours ago?" I pondered aloud.

"You did give us a story wjen you first awoke a little over eight hours ago, yes but you claimed that you 'had a hole blasted through the right side of [your] body with a sharpened steel pipe," she read from the papers in her hands.

"That's it exactly."

"I'm sorry Mr. Astra," she giggled, "but that just isn't possible. An injury like that would have required far more advanced surgeries than the one we performed and you would have required far more time to heal. In addition to this, the damages we saw weren't nearly as gruesome as what you're describing."

"He isn't lying," Kristæl spoke up suddenly, "I saw it myself when I rescued him."

"With all due respect that doesn't make any sense. He would have died long before reaching here if it were the case," she protested.

With a shrug and a smile he murmered, "Magic, maybe."

"Well as long as you've suffered no permanent damage from the incident, that's all that matters. I'll check in on you later as well okay?" she said as she prepared to leave.

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