196 - Commanders Of The Darkness

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??? - POV;

"For too long, the world has looked down on us... shunned us for our inabilities!" Regulus Zegarth boomed over a massive crowd of thrown-together miscreants, "Every one of us knows the pain that I speak of. Laughed at. Bullied. Belittled. In their ignorance, our 'friends', peers, teachers, elders, parents; they made a mockery of us and laughed themselves silly at our expense. The ones who called themselves our people turned their back on us, labeling us mere burdens with the fatal flaw of lacking any power over the elements. They kicked us when we were down. They spat on our faces. They ground salt into our wounds with their heels. They branded us worthless!"

A chorus of mumbles and whispers erupted below as the gathering questioned the words of the blunt leader.

"But They Were Fools!" Regulus Zegarth boomed, capturing the people's attention once more, "We were not useless. We were gifted! Blessed by the most powerful of the Deities, were were afforded his incomparable strength! All of them were too blind to see the potential lying within us. Their self-proclaimed foresight was but a farce! Yet our powers were held hostage; unable to wield them, we were outcast. We wandered the world, mere losers in the eyes of mortal men. Woth nowhere to go, we were left aimless and miserable.... until we were brought here. No one forced us here. Everyone of us were drawn here to each other, a place where we found many like ourselves; a place where we found our fellow Vessels of Darkness. Perhaps we subconsciously knew that this was the only place we would be welcomed, and welcomed we were. We slept together, ate together, grew together, lived together! We shared every joy and supported each other through every sorrow. We became a family far greater than those posers. We left our clans and united to form a clan closer than any other! None of us stand by idly as our neighbour falls! When one of us comes across difficulty, we all strive to the solution. We became the Clan of Darkness, Zegarth, and under that name we are ONE!"

Immediately, the crowd burst into boisterous cheers at his speech.




"No one knows the worth and power of Zegarth except for us and the one who encouraged us to search victory! I speak of course about Lord Duran Blaze! He saw our strength when no one else did and he gave us a fighting chance when we had none. Today, he needs our help. Brothers, Sisters, Children... rise up! We've done so much, but today we shall do so much more. Today we stand together! We march together! We FIGHT together! We shall wage war alongside Blaze against the tyranny of Fenix so that today we may put them down once and for all! Some of us know well the atrocities Fenix commited against you before you ran away to Zegarth. You want revenge and we feel your suffering and rage. It boils our blood! We will not sit by idly as our brothers' tormentors live freely. Fenix falls here!"




"Steel yourselves! Raise your arms! Bare your fangs! We march on Fenix! Beside you I shall lead an army of sadistic mutts from the depths of hell itself but at your helm, directing you to glory, I appoint my three most trusted soldiers!" the Regulus exclaimed. I made my preparations, rising from my seat that had been hidden from view far to the Regulus' rear. The two males at my sides emulated.

"A troublemaker and a rebel, but a born manipulator and conversationalist. He has surfed through life through a combination of overwhelming power over light and flame, as well as as his abuse over the art of the oratory. Today he appears before you as a key to a long awaited victory: my second son, Xeik Zegarth!"

Xiek skipped forward proudly, showing off and pushing back the long, white bangs of his otherwise short, black hair as he grinned mischievously at the giggling girls waving to him below. Applause and whistles rang out, greatly feeding his already bloated ego.

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