89 - Ruined Reunion / 90 - Precursor Ball

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Chapter 89 - Ruined Reunion

Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Duran?!" everyone else shouted in unison.

"Shh! Not so loud!" I barked.

I had somewhat forcefully gathered as many of the others as I could find immediately upon Duran's departure and relayed the fact of his presence to them with haste. As anticipated, they were as surprised by this as myself, if not more. Well, all except one...

"It isn't that surprising though, is it?" Nero murmered, "Of course Duran would show up. The World Heirarchy called the Reguluses to participate in an urgent summit conference so there is no way even he would miss it. Disobeying the Hierarchy's call is akin to suicide after all."

"I guess when you put it that way, it makes sense why he's in Fenix City but then why at the hotel?" Dagan pondered.

"It could be that he came to hear the announcement or to meet with the Blaze team members, though I think it's far more likely that he came here just to deliver a word of warning directly to you all.... specifically through Xyder, the Regulus Heir of Zephyr," Nero responded.

"One thing, Nero. You've been saying that we should know that the summit was called, but I know I haven't heard a thing about this. Is there anything you're hiding from us again Xyder?" Storm muttered looking my way. Sorine, Celes and Winter, all of whom had also gathered with us, emulated his glare.

"No. I wasn't even aware myself," I stated honestly.

"I see," Nero sighed, "I think I know why. Most, if not all of the other clans' teams recieved the news of the summit from their Regulus. Considering that the current Regulus of Zephyr, Seraphim the Third, is absent and on top of this your relationship with him is shaky at best, he must have decided not to say anything to you all. If I was aware that you all were in the dark, I'd have said something sooner. Either way, now that we know that Duran is present and with ill intent, we should make every move with utmost caution. If anything, I'd bet that he'll make his move on the night of the ball when everyone will have their attentions distracted. With this is mind..... we can plan a counterattack."

*A Few Hours Prior*

Aurora Neptulus - POV;

"Ouch! You bastard!" I exclaimed as my body slammed into the floor after being pushed by the man that had been dragging me along all this time. However, being bound by my arms and blindfolded, I could hardly hope to put up any resistance.

"Hey! Get off me creep!" I yelled as he held me down firmly with what I thought to be the worst intentions in mind.

"Shut your mouth!" he growled, tearing off the piece of cloth covering my eyes and taking a step away from me.

"So you're the once feared Silent Killer of Xavier? And the Hydra on top of that..... but look at you now. So pitiful and bound like a dirty whore. How the mighty fall. To think you would be caught so easily. Then again, my blood runs through that child's veins. Of course you'd be taken down," he snickered.

"Your blood? You're... it's you!" I barked.

"So you've brought another girl to add to your little harem of slaves huh Duran? You sick shit," a red haired girl shouted bitterly from the corner of the room.

"I've treated you all well have I not Fira Zephyr? Hearing such things from you whom I went out of my way to protect, it certainly stings," Duran Blaze addressed her.

"Zephyr?" I thought to myself, "He brought me to them!"

"Protect us?! Who the hell are you kidding? You've kidnapped and locked us away!" Fira continued.

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