151 - Unsung Legend

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Satella Zephyr - POV;

I stood out on the balcony connecting to our hotel room, lost in my thoughts as I soaked in the brilliant light of the overhead moon and basked in the cool night breeze. I looked at the Heirloom blade in my hands and smiled as it glistened. My thoughts wandered back to the day I first laid eyes on the weapon.

*flashback begins*

I sat beneath the staircase, curled into a ball and crying to myself. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't compose myself and I knew that I couldn't go face him again... not in this state. The tears continued to pour followed by certain unsightly liquids from my nose. Now there definitely was no way I could leave. I had to stay under here forever.

"Oh, there you are!" a burly male said as he bent over and his face peeked into my hiding place.

"No!" I exclaimed, turning towards the wall in order to hide the fact that I was breaking down.

"I was getting worried," he said as he slowly lowered himself to a seated position on the ground, "You suddenly threw down your weapon and ran away. I was looking all over in a panic. Seriously, if you pull another stunt like that, I just might get a heart attack!"

He laughed at his own statement before again looking at me, the three year old girl who didn't react to him.

"What is wrong Satella? I have never seen you act like this," he said.

"I can't do it," I muttered, "I wanted mom to be proud of me. I wanted to be like her so I tried to fight with a sword... but I can't do it! I tried and tried but I can't! It's too hard! I don't know what to do!"

"But that's why you're here with me. To learn how to fight," he said.

"No but I can't do it! Everything you teach me is too hard! I don't want to do this anymore!" I wept.

"Satella, give it another chance," he said, reaching out to me.

"No! I don't want to! I hate this!" I screamed, throwing a tantrum.

"Satella..." he said sadly as he sat back and stroked his red beard, "Okay, here's what I think. I won't force you to practice anymore, but I want you to come with me."

"Why?" I whimpered.

"There's just something I wanted to show you. After you see it, we'll go down the street and I'll buy you an ice-cream. How does that sound?"

I wiped my face and nose as I turned to him and asked, "Really?"

"Promise!" he grinned, flashing me a thumbs up sign. He helped me out and led the way through his dojo to the adjoining house. This was the first time I'd actually gone inside of his home and I was intrigued by his interior. I could tell that some of the items held worth and reflected his wealth but there was a gentle, proud and humble aura exuding from every turn.

He led me to a decorated wall holding a number of medals, certificates and at the centre, a beautiful red blade had been perfectly positioned.

"Wow, did you get all of this?" I asked him in awe, "You're amazing, Master Incendio."

"Hahahaha. Thank you my dear but these are not mine. These are the fruits of the achievements of some our fellow clansmen. These all belong to people who have already gone before us. They were given to the Zephyr Regulus Line as a sign of goodwill and we have done our best to maintain them in pristine care," he explained.

"Oh," I murmered, looking around at some of them, but my eyes were quickly drawn to the sword again.

"It seems you are interested in this," he said, touching the weapon's handle, "This is an Heirloom Persona. It belonged to one of the greatest women in our recent history."

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