182 - The Elders Of Zephyr

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Dagan Zephyr - POV;




The sounds of water dripping from the stalactites above us echoed throughout the otherwise silent, damp caves. We crept along quietly as we made our way further into the twisted halls, following naught but our instincts as we journeyed. The initial plan had been to elicit the aid of Jaya's mechanical, canine friend however, from what I understood from her highly technical rant, the device refused to function due to being overworked and highly experimental.

This was certainly a setback to say the least, however it was a minor one. We were fairly confident in our ability to traverse this terrain.... or rather the belief that there couldn't be too many branching paths eased our minds.

"Tutu tutu tu," a soft voice hummed in the distance. I raised my right hand, signalling the others to stop. We strained our ears to hopefully ascertain the source of the sound. This proved to be more difficult that we'd anticipated as the sound ricocheted on the walls of the narrow passages, making it seem as if it originated from multiple directions. Before long, the atmosphere returned to it's unsettling stillness

"Hmm hmm hmm," a voice sounded off deeply before regressing once more. This time we were already prepared.

"It came from this way, I think," Satella whispered.

"Yeah, I believe you're right," I agreed, "Come on, let's go!"

Seraphim Zephyr the Third - POV;

"How can these children be escaping our best men?! Catherine, you know better than most others just how capable we are at finding people! Incendio, and later you, led what should have been an impossible mission of tracking down Blaze. So how then can those kids be impossible for you to discover?!" I roared as we walked swiftly down the decorated hallway.

"I don't know. We simply haven't been able to find many traces of them or Xyder," Catherine responded, "I want to bring them back as much as you do but anger will not get us any closer. As for why... our theory is that there aren't any tracks for us to follow."

"No tracks?! They are still babies in this wicked world! Even Duran couldn't hide everything from us but you expect me to believe that Alva and the rest aren't leaving any trace behind?!" I boomed.

"No. In fact I believe the opposite. They are leaving too many tracks behind. Someone must have seen the blatant traces and realised the kids were going after Xyder. Then, they acted to retroactively erase their tracks as they went on, before we even had the chance to catch on to their disappearance," Catherine proposed her hypothesis.

"That's impossible! Who has that much power to be able to pull of something like purging the internet of all that unfavorable data?!"

"One of the Elemental Clans? Or perhaps it was..." Catherine trailed off.

"Wait," I muttered under my breath as I paused infront of the massive damascus steel doors, "You don't really think that they have something to do with this... do you?"

"It's a possibility. We're looking into it. In the meanwhile, what should we do about the children?" Catherine questioned.

"Continue the efforts to search for them," I declared, entering the room and slamming the doors behind me.

"What an explosive entrance."

I looked up at the stern male staring down at me from his place within the Council of Zephyr's official chamber. The room was an intricate one, surely befitting the great men and women it was meant to facilitate. It was here that the Regulus along with the Elders of the Clan and other influential figures would often meet to discuss the rising issues related to the clan, it's connections and it's allegiances. In an effort to protect the clan's leaders inside, there were strict rules regarding who were and weren't allowed to enter at certain times. From what I'd heard, Xyder had created quite the scene almost a year ago when Cheryl Meyers attempted to enter during his hearing with Incendio. Normally an outsider would be severely punished for an act as such, however, Xyder's bold declaration that she was his fiancée saved her the disgrace.

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