We all need some Muray in our lives

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Theia's P.O.V

"Well, we're waiting ." Said a very impatient Zayn.

"Well aren't you just a bucket of sunshine." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Totally and I puke glitter and shit rainbows." He rolled his eyes

"See I always knew there was something odd about you." Commented Aiden



"You are always so abusive towards me." Whined Aiden as he rubbed his head.

"Yeah, because you deserve it."

"Ah, Zayn you know I like it when you talk kinky." He winked


This time it was Luke who smacked his retarded friend.

"You too Luke? Don't worry there is plenty of me to go around." Said Aiden as he put his arms behind both of the guys because he was sitting in between them.

This time both of the guys hit Aiden.

"Aye, watch the face it's the money maker here." He said as rubbed his face and got off the couch.

"No wonder there is never money." Muttered Luke

"Hey! I heard you!" He said as he pointed at the guys and put one hand on his hip.

"Good, you were meant to hear it." Commented Luke

I couldn't help but  snort at the scene before me. They remind me of Star and Rose on a every day bases.

The guys just remembered I was there with them.

"I like you." I told Aiden

*gasp* "SIA!!!" Yelled Aiden as he ran towards me and sat on the table and put his leg on me. "You love me right?"

I pushed his leg off of me and got up and walked towards the kitchen. "I said I like you, not that I love you."

He gave me the puppy dog face. Aww, not the puppy do face. It looks like they are constipated.

"Are you constipated or something?" I question Aiden

"What!? My good looks didn't work on you!? Are you ok!?" He asked baffled

"Guys quickly we need to take her to the hospital asap!!" He yells running around.

I raise a brow." Is he always like this?" I ask the guys that have also gotten off of the couch.

"You should see him on his period." Said Zayn as he rolled his eyes.

Aiden stopped running and looked at Zayn. "I am not on my period!"

"But, you do admit to having one?" Asked Luke

"No I don't have one!" He yelled

"Then why were you crying yesterday?" Asked Zayn

"And craving chocolate?" Asked Luke

"I don't know ok! I've just been an emotional reck !" Aiden faked cried

I just ignored them and started to work on making hot chocolate. I mean it's the least I can do for them since they already met Star and because I want some.

"When are you not?" Asked Zayn

"You wanna go Martinez?" Asked Aiden

"Guys calm down will you? Besides Aiden it's not a fair fight-" Luke was cut off by Aiden.

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