Stake out

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Theia's P.O.V

It is currently Tuesday night and we've been following the guys all day. And by we I mean me and the girls and by all day I mean 3 hours. Let me tell you that this has been the most boring day of my life. We're outside of a couple of run down apartments.

We couldn't follow them yesterday because I had a fight and Rose had a race and they both ended late. But anyways back to the present, it's 8: 46 p.m and Star won't shut the fuck up about being hungry.

"Estrella! Ya cállate por favor!" I yell at her. (Star shut up already, please!)

"Well damn, no need to get feisty." She huffed

"Star if you don't shut the fuck up right now, I will leave your ass here and let's see how you get home." Threatened Rose as she gripped the steering wheel.

"You know, you two are being heartless right now. How can you just leave a poor child hungry?" Star whined

"You aren't a child and we just feed you an hour ago." I stated

She huffed. "Ok you caught me, I'm just bored and when I'm bored I get hungry."

"Yea, no kidding. I've seen you eat before." Scoffed Rose

"Excuse me! Are you calling me fat!?" Yelled Star as she leaned her head forward in between our seats.



I can't but help roll my eyes. This is why they can't be together in the same room for more than an hour. Unless we are at the movies, but we aren't there right now.

I just decide to look out the window and ignore them. I see the guys get out and each one is carrying a duffel bag and they are wearing black clothing. Huh...interesting


Wow wow, hold up. What? Is this girl seriously trying to blame for something she clearly did?

"Fucking shit Star! Quit lying."

"But, you actually did take the last pad." She tried to defend herself.

"Oh yea, I'm sorry ...but I have the emergency kit. I also have tampons." I say as I take the bag from glove compartment.

Opps. She wasn't lying this time *nervous chuckle*.

"Shit you guys distracted me! The guys are leaving! Look!" I yell as I see the guys car pulling out and getting on the main road.

"Fuck! Hang on tight girls." Says Rose as she quickly gets on the main road and passes a few cars to catch up. It's times like these that her racing skills come in handy.

"Finally! Some action!" Yells Star

Finally indeed

"I saw that they were carrying some bags. What do you think could be in them?" I ask out loud.

"Who knows, maybe a dead body?" Said Rose

"Nah the bags are too tiny, maybe chomped up human parts?" This time it was Star

"Maybe" said Rose

We continued to follow the guys for a while until we ended on the other side of the city. By the looks of it we ended up on the North side of town. The boys pull up to a flower shop and I see Luke get out and go inside. A few minutes later he comes out holding two bouquets of flowers.

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