My fault

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Thiea's P.O.V

Little quick warning, I will be doing a lot of flashbacks. So, if any of you are confused I'll gladly answer any of your questions.

It Christmas Day and it's currently 10:15 pm. Yesterday was a great day, with the food fight and kissing Luke, snow globe, kissing Luke. Wait I already said that didn't I? 😅 oh well I did enjoy it.

Anyways, all was good until my grandma told me the horrible news this morning.

****(flashback grandma's 11:34 am)****

"Thiea, honey talk to your parents, they have some important news to tell you." Says my grandma hesitantly as she turns towards me on the couch.

We were watching some novellas on tv. We already opened our presents and the girls left to go with their families. They'll be back until New Year's Eve.

*sigh* "a Ma, I really don't want to talk about this right now, let's just enjoy watching that blonde bimbo getting the slap that she deserves." I turn back to the tv

"Thiea, they are your parents. You're an adult now, you cant keep harboring these negative feelings towards them!" She scolds. "They work hard so you can have a roof over your head, to get a good education."

I abruptly get up from the couch. "Don't! Just don't talk about money! " I shout angrily "I've never used a dime from them! I've always paid for all of my shit!"

"That's because you wanted to!" She yells as she get up from the couch.

"Before my father became big, my grandpas bakery was enough! Why did they have to go make it bigger?! We were just fine before!" I yell as I turn my back towards her and face the door.

"They are coming in a couple of days, Thiea. So, whatever issues you have with them, you better resolve them soon." She sighs

I just laugh humorlessly and walk out the door slamming it shut.

****( present)****

So, here I am at Tyler's grave wearing nothing more than a jacket with snow falling around me. I left Freddie's at my grandmas, because I know I'll be here for a while and I don't want him getting cold.

"Hey Ty, I hope you and my grandpa had a great Christmas. I hope you don't mind the kiss I shared with Luke." I laugh weakly "I'm uh...I'm starting to fall for him. I know I said I would never find someone else, but honestly I feel when I'm with him." I sigh and fall on my knees.

I remember the conversation I had with Rose a couple days ago.


"Thiea, stop denying it! You know you like Luke and he likes you back as well!" She shouts from across the counter at our apartment.

"It doesn't matter if I do like him or not!" I shout back.

"And why?! Huh?! Why do you feel the need to make yourself miserable, by denying what you feel for him?!"

"Because!" I shout back as I slam my glass cup in the sink, shattering into pieces.

"Because why! Give me one good God damn reason why?!"

I close my eyes tightly and breathe in deeply. "Because I feel like I'm cheating on Tyler." I whisper quietly as I place both my palms on the counter.

I her Rose sigh deeply before she continues. "Thiea, you know Tyler would never be angry." She says softly.

I snap my eyes open. "How do you know?"

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