Some cousin you are

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Hey there everyone, hope you had a fun New Years and school break. I'll be honest with all I watched Scarlet Heart: ryeo And I cried for days. No joke, I knew what was gonna happen, but I was like no! You are still gonna watch! But anywho, 😅 I hope none of you spent your entire break crying over tv dramas, but if you did I will not judge! Heck you can even rant with me and we'll cry together!

Thiea's P.O.V
"Blake I thought you were my friend, my bro. How could you do this to me? To Ezra?" I ask breathlessly as I stand in front of Ezra in a protective stance.

"Oh Thiea I am." He Says as he points the gun at me.

I scoff at him.

"But as your friend it is my duty to tell you that you suck at this." He smirks and pulls the trigger.

I gasp and fall down. "Run Ezra, live your life and avenge me!" I wail

Ezra starts to cry and gets on her knees near me. "No Thiea don't die! We never got to finish watching House M.D !!!"

Eran just rolls his eyes. "If all of you are done playing I would really like to finish painting the room. I have somewhere else to be." He states bored.

The reason why there is paint involved is because today we are painting Luke's piano room. He said he was tired of white, he wanted to add color. I agreed to help him and when I asked what color he wanted he looked at his phone for a while until he said red. I gave him an odd look, but it's his room whatever.

I slightly get up and place my weight on my arms. "Somewhere to be or someone to see?" I tease.

He starts to turn slightly red and Ezra giggles while Blake smirks at him.

"Vanessa is my friend and I promised to help her learn new signs today." He mumbles as he blushes.

"I'm just teasing" I laugh "have the books helped?"

He nods his head. "Extremely, I didn't know those types of books where left, everything is digital now."

I smirk at him. "Digital books are good, but physical books are amazing! I have my own library at my grandmas house. I've even read some to Block-ay when he was tiny."

They turn to look at him and suddenly the door opens revealing Luke and Aiden.

Luke sees the red splattered on me while still on the floor and sees the gun in Blake's hands.

"You little bastard!" He Shouts as he grabs him by the collar.

I quickly get up and me Eran, and Ezra try to separate Luke for Blake.

"No! No! It's just paint! We were messing around!" I desperately shout.

Once I get him away from Blake he snaps his gaze down at my shirt and touches it. He lifts his hand to closely examine the paint. "It's just paint?"

I roll my eyes. "Well duh you dumbass, we are painting your whole room red so it's red paint." I turn to face away from him and cross my arms.

"Thiea- look I'm sorry I saw blood and I thought-"

"Don't apologize to me!" I snap "apologize to Blake, the poor boy doesn't need you to act so hostile towards him! He agreed to help paint and you accuse him of shooting me!"

He just stares at me with his mouth wide open. "But he use to part of Zac's gang! I still don't fully trust him!" He tries to reason with me.

Everyone senses the tension and take 2 big steps back.

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