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Theia's P.O.V

"So, where are you going to tutor him?" Asked Rose.

"I think the library is the perfect place, you can't get hurt there." I tell her

It's been a day since the guys where at the house and it's safe to say they shouldn't come over ever again. Not if they value their lives.

"You wanna bet?" Asks Star with an evil smile.

"Star, I f*cking swear if you show up at the library I'll take away Wattpad from you."

*gasp* "You wouldn't dare." She narrows her eyes at me.

I glare back at her. "Try me."

"Oh f*ck!" Whined Rose.

I turn my attention to Rose.

"¿Que paso?" I ask her

"I forgot the camera at the house." Whined Rose. "Can you go get it for me?" She asked sheepishly.

I chuckled. "Not on your nelly."


"Heck no"

"Aw, why not." She whined

"Aw, because I did it for you last time." I mocked her

"Well I see how it is, you guys don't love me."

"Actually I don't." Said Star

I smacked her on the arm. "I was just kidding!gosh!" She yelled as she rubbed her arm.

"Fine, ok I don't need you guys, I have Theo to love me." Rose stated as she started to walk towards the parking-lot

"You know we love you Rose! You know Star is always being a jack*ss!" I yell after her.

She just flips us off.

"Love you too!" Waved Star enthusiastically.

I smacked her on the arm again .

"Ow! What was that for!" She whined and rubbed her arm.

"Why did you tell her we don't love her?"

"Aw, come one she knows we love her."

I looked at her skeptically. "Ok but, if she starts to ignore you don't come b*tching to me."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." She waves her hand.

I sigh, I swear Star just has a death wish. If she's not doing one thing she's doing something.

*gasp* SIA!!! It's you! It's really you!" Yelled a voice behind me.

Who the hell?

Oh f*ck, it's Aiden.

Star looked at me questioningly. If she hears him say he's my bff she'll blow a fuse.

Next thing I know I'm wrapped in a tight embrace. Not this again.

"Aiden, what happened last time you hugged me?" I ask quite calmly

He quickly lets go and discreetly cover his manhood. "Oh yea, sorry." He nervously chuckles .

He looks just realizing that Star has been there all this time starting at us with her mouth agape.

"Well hello there, aren't you a cute thang." He says smuggly

She breaks out of her trance and I can tell she's affected by him. But I'm not sure if it's in a good way or bad one.

"Ew, ew ew ew ew ew ewewwwwwwww!" She starts yelling.

Why you may be wondering. Haha, you see the reason why she did that was because me and Rose showed her the 'Jimmy Fallon' show the other day and she saw the 'ew episodes.

Aiden's jaw goes slack and his eyes widened. Just then the boys arrive just in time to see Star yelling 'ew' and running around us. People look our way, but as soon as they see it's Star they ignore it and go on their merry way.

"What's with her?" Asks Zayn while Luke looks at Star worriedly.

"That my dear boy is one of my best friends Star Garcia whom happens to have turn Aiden down." I giggle

The guys just realized Aiden, who keeps opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

"What did you say to her?" Asks Luke

He seems to snap back into reality. "I...I... I just did my pick up line and she-"

"Just seeing you would make me run." States Zayn

I punch him in the arm, while Aiden glares at him.

"Ow! What the hell! Your punch is freaking hard." He whines

"Oh, no you're gonna die." I fake distress

He just rolls his eyes.

"You know you roll your eyes a lot, maybe if you keep rolling them you'll find a brain back there." I tell Zayn

Zayn glares at me while I glare back at him.

"Star? Wait is she the one that knocked us out and locked us in your basement?" Asked Luke

I break my glaring contest with Zayn and turn my attention to Luke. "Yea, what gave it away?" I scoff.

"Well you did mention her name on Saturday and the fact that she's yelling 'ew' to a squirrel and pointing at Aiden didn't give it away." He says sarcastically.

I chuckle "I like your sarcasm." I wink

This causes Luke to blush and he quickly turns around. Aw, I just made one of the of the bad boys blush.

"Don't mean to interrupt your guy's moment, but where did Star go?" Asks Aiden

My smile leaves my face and I instantly pale. Oh shit! I freaking lost her! Again! I shut my eyes tightly and try to imagine where I would go if I was Star.

Fuck! Of course I know where! I snap my eyes open.

"Listen guys it was nice to talk to you and all, but I gotta before she does something stupid. And knowing her I only have 3 mins." I quickly rush out and grab my camera bag.

"Don't forget tutoring is at 5 today at the library!" I yell as I start walking away.

"Oh hey I forgot my jacket at your house! Can I go grab it!?" Yells Zayn as I get further away.

"Yea sure!" I yell back and quickly walk to my destination, hoping that she is there.

Oh Star wherever you are please don't do anything stupid.

Just then I hear the intercom from the college go off and I hear yelling in the background. I pause, wait a minute I know that yelling voice! It's Star! Shit!

"Ew ew ew eewwwwwwww!" She yells through the intercom.

Of course you would pull something like this. *Sigh* looks like I have to sedate her this time. Or better yet just knock her out with some chloroform.

Hey don't look at me like that, I carry this shit just for Star. She's always causing shit that me and Rose carry it wherever we go with her.

I quickly walk into the main office and I'm scared to enter the door because all I hear is things smashing and women yelling. As you can guess most of the yelling is from Star.

*Sigh* here goes nothing. I think
Short chapter I know, but wait till the next one.
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Till next time, ciao 👋

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