Halloween party

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All of the credits for these awesome pictures go to their owners. I don't own any of these.

Thiea's P.O.V

"Where the hell is the other one at?!" Yelled Rose as she rode a pig.

"I think I saw it go upstairs!" Says Star as she's on a other one.

"You better hope he didn't go to our rooms!" I yell as I ride the 3rd pig.

Now, you guys maybe wondering pig? What the hell are they at some circus? Ha, I wish, but no when we got home we saw 4 fucking pigs prancing around our apartment. And oh, did they make a mess.

The boys are so fucking dead as soon as I'm done with these pigs. I'll make them regret for ever releasing animals in my house.

Ok, Star and Rose maybe animals but that's beside the point. These animals smell and the make a lot of noise.

I hear squealing upstairs before I see Star running upstairs still on the pig with a lasso. When in the hell did she get it?

"Damnit Star! Get off the fucking pig and just get the other one!" I yell.

"Nooo!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "I'm a cowgirl!"

Ok you know what I'm tired of this! I whistled really loud and that got the pigs attention.

"What's going on?!" Said Rose panicky

I just ignored her and watched as her pig and the other two pigs made a perfect line in front of my pig.

Now, I'm pretty sure you guys are really curious as to how I was able to get their attention. You see I'm on the biggest pig here, meaning the alpha pig and once you capture the alpha you can rule them all! Muwahaha 😈

Ok I'll calm down now. I whistled again and told Star to open the door.

Earlier I had called a guy to come for the pigs. I'm still riding the pig when we get outside and the dude looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"How did you- what?" He asks as he scratched his head.

I shrug my shoulders. "I honestly have no idea either." I say as I get off of the pig.

"Ok-well umm thanks?" Said the dude sounding unsure.

I just nod my head and walk back inside my house.

"Ok! How the hell did you do that?" Ask Star as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Because I'm awesome." I smirk in triumph "because I am- ah son of bitch! That hurt." I whine as I cradle my left elbow that I just hit on the door frame.

"Totally." Says Rose sarcastically as she sits her ass on the couch.

"Totally." I mock her. I know it's very childish but I'm a child myself so?

"Thiea, I'm hungry." Whined Star

"Hi hungry! I'm Thiea." I wave enthusiastically

"Bitch, feed me unless you want the house to burn down." She seethes "again"

Yea, you read right. Star once burned the kitchen when we were at her house when we were in high school. Ah, good days, good days.

I walk to the kitchen and start getting the pans and Star is getting the silverware when we hear knocking at the door.

We all pause and hear the knocking getting louder. Who the hell knocks like that? Suddenly, the door is pushed open by Zayn as if he owned the place. His idiots not that far behind.

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