A kiss?

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Thiea's P.O.V
"Get your face out of my butt!"

"We'll get your butt out of my face!"

I hear yelling behind me. "Wow, what's going on back there boys?" I ask

"Well Aiden the fat ass is taking up all the space." Whined Luke

"That's not true! And I'm not fat! Wait...on second thought do you think my butt is too big?" Asks Aiden as he turns around so I can look at his butt.

I just ignore him, but Star has other plans. "Honey you need to lay off whatever it is you're eating." She says sympathetically.

Aiden's eyes widened in horror. " See I told you." Said Luke

Aiden just scowled and punched his shoulder.

"What the fuck man!?" Whined Luke as he rubbed his shoulder. But he punched him back, and the next thing I know I'm watching two idiots fighting in the back seat of the car.

"Hey! Both of you quit your shit before I drag you out of the car!" Yelled Star

They just ignored her, I gripped the steering wheel hard that my knuckles were turning white. "If both of you don't stop this instant I'll personally go back there and beat the living shit about of both of you." I seethe.

That got them to stop. Now you made be wondering why we are in a car. Or why two of our friends are missing. Well we are currently stalking Zayn and Rose.

I found out that Zayn has never gone on a date so his idea on taking Rose out was to a go-kart racing deal. Which by the way he got lucky because she loves racing and pizza so it's a win-win situation. So that's why Luke and Aiden followed him to make sure he doesn't mess up.

Now for Rose, ....well how do I put it? She- she's gone on dates before but they always end up shitty. Like once on a date she saw a dude close to were she was sitting and it had bothered her all night so she reached over and cut off the guy's mullet, she said and I quote 'mullets are nasty'.

So me and Star decided to stalk Rose, funny how we had ran into the guys on our way here. Turns out that Zayn lives a couple of blocks from here so they helped him get ready so they just walked.

I was turning the corner when I almost ran them over and Star being the supportive friend said 'Step on it, don't worry no one will know they are missing.' But, sadly I didn't so instead I told them to get in the car and we are currently parked outside watching Rose and Zayn through the window. I see them getting seated at a booth and the waiter is taking their order.

"Oh my gosh ok! Guys I just came up with this conspiracy theory!" Exclaimed Aiden as his eyes widened and he grabbed his head.

"Oy, you and your conspiracy theories." Sighed Luke "What is it now?"

"Ok check it, Zayn likes Rose and she likes him back-"

"Yea we realized." Interrupted Star.

"No wait, so they'll end up together and you and Luke will be together and me and Star will be together." He said excited and mind blown.

We all just stare at him like her grew another head.

"Oh and we will have our kids first." He piped in.

*crickets chirping*

"Ew just ewwwww." Said Star as she got out the car and I follow pursuit.

I hear Aiden get smacked on the head and him whining about it. Next thing I see is Aiden and Luke wearing Fedora hat's, fake mustaches and sunglasses.

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