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Thiea's P.O.V
Today is Saturday December 3rd and Star won't shut the floop up. She's been playing Christmas music nonstop.

But luckily I made some Christmas cookies yesterday to bribe her to stop. Let's see how long she'll last.

"Honey I'm home!" I shout as I open the door and slam it shut.

I had gone to the store to get stuff for our camping trip. Remember when I promise the twins I would? Yea, so I got stuff to make s'mores and a lantern and other stuff. The girls and I alright have our sleeping bags and tents so I didn't need to buy that.

Also I decided to camp outside Luke's house, one because winter is officially here and it's been cloudy for the past two days. It feels like it's gonna snow any day now, and secondly because I want to test how they'll do tonight. If they do well, then when spring is here I'll actually take them into a real forest.

As soon I place the stuff on the counter I turn to look at a pouting Rose.

"Uh....what happened?"

"The stupid wifi isn't working." She grumble as she crossed her arms and slouched even more. "So I disconnected it and threw it on the ground."

I walk over to her on the couch and see the wifi box on the ground in front of her feet. She kicks it again and this startles me.

I quickly get my phone out and call Aiden.
"You rang?" He asks smug

*sigh* "yes, if you could please come and help fix the wifi router. I would really appreciate it."

"Mm....what's in it for me?"

"What do you want?"

"Ooohh, can you make more tamales?! They were so good!" He shouts excited

A few days ago my grandma made tamales and I brought some home, the guys ended up coming over and I asked if they wanted any. They were reluctant at first, because they've never had any. After a few minutes of persuasion, they couldn't stop eating them.

"Yes, fine whatever, but please come before Rose destroys the box." I say as I see Rose reaching for the box again.

I quickly hang up and run for the box. "Aye, we do not destroy expensive things." I scold

She rolls her eyes and sits back down on the couch.

"By the way, Aiden's coming to fix it." I tell her

She perks up "is Zayn coming too?!" She asks excitedly.

"Er...uh...I didn't ask him." I say sheepishly

She just sighs and lays down on the couch. Ok, well I'm just gonna take this box away and skedaddle.

Few minutes later Aiden walks in with Zayn not far behind.

"What's wrong with her?" Asks Zayn confused

I shrug my shoulders "she tried attacking the wifi box, and I took it away."

He just nods his head and heads over to where Rose is currently watching tv curled up as a ball.

"Wow! Who the hell is touching- oh it's just you." Rose giggles nervously. Yea she was just about to punch her man crush.

Zayn just smirks at her while Aiden gets busy and starts to work.

"Come on I'm taking you outside, before you plan to murder the wifi router." Says Zayn as he picks Rose up and throws her over his shoulders.

"Yay, I love being outside." She says sarcastically as I see her fall limp on his shoulders.

Zayn just laughs and disappears through the door way. Lord help him, who knows what kind of shit she'll get into. The majority of the time, creepy people always hit on her.

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