Dinner party

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Thiea's P.O.V
Nicotine ~ Panic at the disco

"Finally new year new me!" Shouts Star from the couch.

I just scoff at her and roll my eyes and go back to eating my cereal.

"That's what you said last time." Rose says annoyed.

"And the year before that." I pipe in.

"No! It's true I swear it this time!" She says as she comes near us on the counter.

"Bullshit!" Yells Rose

"No, wait Rose I think we should give her a shot." I say as I go to the sink and start washing my dirty plate. She looks at me in disbelief. "Hear me out, after all today is the fifth day of January, I'm betting she'll be nice for at least 2 more hours." I smirk

Rose smirks back at me. "I say 45 mins."

I put the dish in the dish rack to dry out. "You are on."

"Hey!!" Shouts Star in protest.

"$100 bucks?" Asks Rose

"Make it 150, after all we do have jobs." I negotiate.

"Hell yes." She shakes my hand.

"Oh no, oh hell no." I glare at the dress in front of me.

"Come on Thiea, get changed already." Sighs Rose.

"Hey I agreed on going to that stupid business party, not to wear a fucking dress."

Apparently my parents flew in yesterday and today was their business party and I am being forced against my will to attend. My grandma said they have something very important for me to hear and it needs to come from them. I don't see why that don't tell their PA, they always do.

Luckily, Luke and the guys will be there. Also Mr. O'Conner!! After a bit of persuasion he agreed. He said, 'I'm only going because you asked me and because I am the life of the party.'

Sadly, Aiden's parents couldn't come because they were gonna visit Calvin's family that's 3 hours away and Zayn's parents were gonna take baby Zayden to watch a movie.

Also Randy will be there, I found out he's studying law, he wants to be a detective.

"Thiea Lynn fucking Henderson! You will get your ass in that shower and change! We only have 3 hours before we have to leave!" Seethe Rose.

I pale and swallow nervously. "Y-yes ma'am." I stutter as I slowly descend up on the stairs.

After a few minutes I get out the shower and see the dress on my bed. Damn, as much as I hate to admit it, but my mother outdid herself, it's a beautiful red gown. It has a somewhat sweetheart shape that's tight until you reach my waist and it flows out at the bottom. I still have yet to see Rose and Star's outfits.

I walk over to the large mirror and start doing my makeup. I decided to have a smoky look and I put on blood red lipstick. I curled my hair and grabbed a few strands of hair and pinned them behind. I slowly walk over to the dress and just stare at it.

Am I really gonna wear this? Do I even want to go to this stupid party? Ha, no, but will my grandma kill me if I don't?

I hear a noise that makes me shake my head and focus on my surroundings. I see Freddie get on the bed wearing a black little tuxedo with a red bow tie. Awww, that's so adorable.

I put on the stupid dress in fear Rose will come in and shave my head. After I put on the dress and decided on what shoes to wear.

Black heels or converse? 🤔 decisions, decisions. Ha, who am I kidding? Obviously the converses. Hey, don't get mad, they are red so they'll match. I want running shoes in case everything goes down hill and I need to run away. You guys already know how crazy my life is, I usually end up running somewhere.

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