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Theia's P.O.V.
Counting Stars~ One Republic

"But a Ma, are you sure?" I whine through the phone.

"I'm sure, now I expect them at the house at 7:30 pm!" She shouts as she hangs up on me.

You guys maybe wondering what's going on? Well my dearest grandmother, thought it would be a great idea to invite the boys and their families to our Christmas dinner.

Its only 3 days till Christmas, so I better hurry if not she threatened me that I would have to babysit Celia's grandkids. Hell no! I may love the lady, but her grandkids are demons.

At first I thought the 2 little kids were angles, but they disappeared on me for 30 minutes and they ended up getting hand prints and foot prints on the wall and ceiling. 😐 yea, I have no idea how that was even possible, but they did. They also almost shaved the pets.

"Where are you going?" Asked Rose as she saw me get up from the stool and get my jacket and keys.

"I have to invite them to the Christmas dinner." I pout.

She sat up straight in her stool. "Yay, the more The merrier!"

I just stare at her wide eye. "Did you just?"

She blushes and slouches. "You never heard me say that! Got it?!"

I just nod my head. "O-ok, so I-I'll come back later, te-text me if you need anything!" I stutter as I quickly run out the apartment.

First place up is Luke's house!!!!! I quickly get off and ring the doorbell.

Mr. O'Conner greets me.

"Thiea! What a pleasant surprise." He says as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Captain jack!" I shout back and hug him.

He breaks away first. "Well come in child! Come in!" He says as he ushers me inside .

We walk to the living room and I see pillows everywhere. What the?

Why is there a fort in the living room? Mr. O must have sensed my confusion .

"Oh, the twins are in that fort." He points to the left. "And Luke is in the other one." He points to the right.

"Noice" I nod my head.

As soon as they heard my voice the twins and Luke poked their heads out and looked at me excited.

"Thiea! Join our team!" Shouts the twins.

"No! Join the dark side, we have Oreos." Says Luke as he takes them out and waves them to tempt me.

I give them a pitiful smile. "I'm sorry guys, but I'm here on a special mission." I say as I turn to Mr. O.

"Aw" they pout

"Well dear, what is it?" Asked Mr. O

I sigh deeply, here goes nothing. "My grandmother wanted to invite you guys to our Christmas dinner. And don't worry it's not on the 25th, but the 24th and we stay awake till midnight and open 1 present and open the rest later."

They all look at me confused.

I just giggle. "It's how we traditionally celebrated Christmas, it's little bit of a Mexican thing." I say as I wave my hand a little.

Eran and Ezra eyes light up and twinkle. "Can we dad? Please?" They plead.

"Yeah, this sounds interesting, I'm in." Smirks Luke as he eats a Oreo.

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