You're my family

315 10 8

Family- Chainsmokers

Not edited read at your own risk

Thiea's P.O.V
"Fucking hell! Aiden come out of the bathroom or you'll miss the story!" Shouts Zayn

"In a minute!!" Shouts a muffled voice

I feel my eye twitch in irritation, now you see folks after we miraculously escaped the cops we went to the old hideout and apparently Aiden had eaten a supreme spicy burrito during the race and now he hasn't come out of the damn bathroom.

"Uuuhhhh, is this something normal for you?" Asked Shane as he saw me glaring at the wall.

"Them being a bunch of dumbasses? Why yes they always are." I say as I look at Zayn still banging on the door and Rose and Star stuffing grapes in their mouths to see who can eat the most in 3 mins.

Thankfully Luke is being well behaved and is playing on his phone.

"Man and here I thought me and Tyler where bad." He scoffed

I felt some pain in my chest at the mention of his name, I guess being at the track earlier had resurfaced some memories.

"Oh I-I'm sorry Thiea, I shouldn't have- uh"
I just glance at Shane and look down at the ground
"I'll just stop while I'm at it" he sighs defeated.

"Ok! I'm done and ready for story time!!!!" Happily shouts Aiden as he runs out the bathroom.

"Fucking finally!! I thought we'd just go on with out you" I roll my eyes.

"Wow and here I thought I meant something to you, I thought we were the best of friends." Pouts Aiden and looks at me with big doe like eyes.

"Bitch you wish she was your best friend but she's MINE!" Glares Star and she hits her boyfriend on the back of his head.

"Why must all of you abuse me so?" He pouts even more.

"Can we please start!" I shout annoyed "I'd really like to go home and nap before bedtime"

"Nap before bedtime? What the heck?" Asks Zayn clearly confused, but me being the petty bitch that I am ignore him. 🙃

We all choose where to sit, I sat next to Luke on the 3 seater couch and Aiden sat on the other side of Luke. Star decided to sit on the spiny stool and Rose sat on the other one as well and Zayn took the recliner. And finally Shane took the office chair.

"So what do you guys want to know?" Shane asks and he reclines back.

"Well for starters what do you know about the Forsaken gang? And how or why are they helping Zac and his gang?" I shrug.

"Hummmmm, what's in of for me?" He asks with a mischievous look.

"My foot won't be up your ass." Shrugs Rose  nonchalantly.

Shane gulps and visibility shakes. "No please I don't want you to kick my ass again."

Aiden gasps. "She's kicked your ass too?"

I can't help the laugh that escapes me and I hear Luke snort next to me.

Shane nods his head vigorously. "About 15 times she has managed to kick me so hard I felt something watery coming out." He shudders and grabs his butt horrified and scoots further away form Rose.

"Wow too much info buddy, no one cares about your chocolatey underwear." Cringes Star and makes a disgusted face.

"That's my girl." Praises Zayn and Rose hums happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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