Chapter 1

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Broken, But Beautiful 

[Jungkook's Pov] I was lazily sat on my couch just finishing some important assignment work that was due the next day

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[Jungkook's Pov]
I was lazily sat on my couch just finishing some important assignment work that was due the next day. I often did that. Left things until last minute. I know, I know it's not the best idea, especially when your parents are constantly on your back to do well. My names Jungkook by the way. I major in law, but my real passion is music. Only thing is, my parents are so up tight and they refuse to let me carry out my dream, so instead of smiling everyday and doing what I love, I'm stuck in this huge house all on my own, finishing overdue work for a subject I have no particular interest in. Yep that's my life. Great isn't it? Note the sarcasm.
Anyway going back to the beginning of me sitting on my couch finishing course work, there was a sudden knock on my front door. I rarely had visitors, especially at 2:30 in the morning, so I was a little taken aback, but I placed my laptop to one side before making my way to the front door. When I opened the door only more confusion swept through me as it was the keeper of the campus grounds, Taemin.
"Umm hello?" I started, and Taemin stood tall with a slight smile, the more I looked at him the more I could see he was hiding something...

"Jungkook, I have a request to ask of you" Taemin replied. I kinda hated it when he addressed me like he knew me. The only reason he gets to call me Jungkook, is because my parents are extremely friendly with 'important' people here on campus.

"What?" I asked bluntly not looking to impressed.

"Well I found someone wandering the campus grounds" Taemin answered and I raised my brow in confusion.

"At 2:30am?" I questioned.

"Yes I know it's a little odd, that's why I came here." He continued.

"So what do you want me to do?" I sighed, not really understanding what he wanted me to do about the situation.

"Jungkook your place is the only housing that has enough room to hold another person on the campus." Taemin stated and I immediately understood what he meant.

"What?! No! I'm not going to take in some random stranger that was roaming around the campus grounds. They're probably a psycho or something!" I retorted before I started to shut the door on Taemin, but before I could he held the door open with his hand.

"Please Jungkook! There's nowhere else I can put him. It would just be until we find out where he comes from" Taemin continued.

"...No, I'm sorry I have too much on my plate already" I explained. Taemin sighed a little and he turned around to face what I could only assume was the boy found on the campus grounds. I was a little curious to see what he looked like so I turned a little to get a look and my eyes suddenly grew in size.

"I'm sorry..." Taemin apologised to the smallish boy in front of him. My eyes studied the boy up and down. He was quite short in height and his hair was  bright with a hint of a peachy colour. It looked so fluffy and soft. I kinda wanted to just ruffle my hand in it. His eyes were dark brown almost black really. His pupils were huge, but his eyes were so swollen. My eyes fell down to his lips. They were a shade of bright pink, plump, slightly wet and parted, the best word to describe them was kissable...his cheeks were rosey red and they glistened as if he had been crying desperately. Then his clothes...he wore an oversized light brown jumper, over the top of a white shirt which was complete with a little bow tied around his neck. The jumper was slightly torn, along with the shirt that hung off his shoulder revealing his soft milky skin. I found myself staring for way to long, and I quickly averted my gaze back to his face. I couldn't help but notice his expression. He seemed so damaged and broken...not to mention the fact that he wouldn't say a word back to Taemin. I could only assume this boy had been through a really traumatic time..."Do you have anywhere else to go?" Taemin asked slowly. I found myself thinking. Thinking about letting him stay. I was completely against taking in strangers, but this boy looked so helpless and I found it quite adorable..."Please say something...I'm trying to help" Taemin continued, but the boy did not reply. Instead he just stared right past Taemin with the same broken expression.

"...He can stay with me." I replied opening my door a little more. Taemin suddenly shot up and his expression was a little shocked.

"Really?" Taemin gasped.

"Yes, so let him in before I change my mind" I replied a little sternly.

"Come on...we've found you a place to stay..." Taemin turned to the boy in a soft manner. Once again the boy did not reply so Taemin had to gently push him inside my house. "Thank you Jungkook. It won't be for long I swear. We'll find out where we came from. Until then please look after him" Taemin bowed politely.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just find out quick" I replied shaking my head before closing the door quickly. I don't know why, but I kinda wanted to just spend some time with this small boy...there was something about him that made me want to know him desperately...I wanted to know his troubles, I wanted to know why he looked so broken...and I wanted to see him smile...
I walked further into my house, but the boy did not move from his place. I turned around a little unsure what to do. I was never very good around people in the first place, especially people who looked so damaged, that's why I was so confused as to why I was so interested in this boy. " names Jungkook, I guess you'll be staying with me for awhile. I hope that's ok..." I started a little awkwardly, but there was no response, he wouldn't even look at me. I shuffled a little closer and smiled as much as I could. "What's your name?" I asked hoping for a reply this time, but again nothing..."...What happened to you?" I asked a little hesitantly, I didn't get a word from him, this time his eyes moved up to me and we locked eye contact. I could see the sorrow in his eyes, and although he didn't say anything I just knew that he was hurting inside...and I knew I had to help him...
Just who was this boy...?

[Authors Note]
Tada!! I hope you enjoyed! I really loved starting this and I'm extremely excited to continue this! Now my previous Jikook fic is over I thought it's time I write a new one!
Thanks for reading and look froward to more ☺️

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