Chapter 15

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Lunch Break

Three days had past since Jimin took Music at my college

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Three days had past since Jimin took Music at my college. He seemed to really enjoy it and he always came out with a smile. I loved seeing him smile more then anything...But something still didn't make sense to me.
I waited outside Jimin's classroom. I was still against the whole idea of him joining the college. I didn't know why I was so against it, I guess I was just worried about him. Yes, he was older then me, but he still acted like a child. I felt responsible if anything happened to Jimin. He became my responsibility when I let him stay in my house, and this college was a huge place to someone like Jimin. What worried me the most was that he was so far away from my building. He has Taehyung, but every time I left Jimin with him, I felt almost scared that Tae was gonna take him away from me. I know it sounds so stupid and it sounds like something an overly attached boyfriend or girlfriend would say, but it was true...
Anyway, I was stood outside Jimin's classroom. The past 3 days I've been taking him to his classes and then when his classes finish I would go pick him up. It was now 12:10 and Jimin's class was supposed to finish at 12:00. I waited around a little, but I was beginning to get quite skittish. Jimin was always on time, he always waited for me even if his classes finished early. It was now 12:30, and there was still no sign of Jimin. I couldn't take it anymore, so I bursted through the classroom doors, and all eyes fell on me. "Excuse me, but who are you?" Someone spoke up and I gulped as I scanned the room for Jimin.

"Umm...Is Jimin here...Park Jimin?" I nervously questioned and they all stared at me blankly. "Take it not...My apologies" I slowly walked back out and I felt so embarrassed. I looked around the hallway as I started to panic. I had no idea where Jimin could be. It wasn't like him to just walk away without me.
I rushed to the reception desk in the building. "Park Jimin? Where's Park Jimin?" I asked desperately and the receptionist just looked up at me confusingly.

"Sorry Sir, slow down. Who?" She questioned and I took a deep breath.

"Jimin. His name is Park Jimin. He always meets me and he's not here and I don't know where he is!" I continued and she turned to her computer before typing inhumanly fast.

"Right so...He should already be out of his lesson. Maybe he just went for some lunch. It's his lunch break after all" She explained and I shook my head with a sigh.

"No, it's not like that! He always meets me right here!" I yelled slamming my hand down on her desk.

"Look sir. There's nothing I can do. Try looking in the canteen, then if he's not there come back ok?" She suggested.

"Alright..." I agreed before rushing out of the building. I didn't even have Tae's number to check if he was with him.
I sprinted across the field that was now filled with students on their lunch break. I pushed past everyone, every now and then someone would shove me back, but I didn't really care at this point. As I reached the main building I slowed down and walked down the hallways to the canteen. I opened the doors and I scanned the room and my eyes immediately locked onto a wide smiling Jimin. He seemed to be giggling whilst leaning against someone, who appeared to be looking quite admirably to Jimin...I remembered his name was Hoseok. I felt my blood boiling and without another thought I stalked over to their table. "Jimin." I started harshly and his smiling eyes shot up to me.

"Kookie!" He grinned and I just frowned crossing my arms in frustration.

"Where were you?" I questioned and he looked up to me confusingly.

"I was with Hobi-Hyung and TaeTae" He answered and I cringed at the nicknames.

"Hobi and TaeTae?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked down at Hoseok who was now standing up holding out his hand.

"Hobi is me! But call me Hoseok or Jhope. Minnie just calls me that for some reason" Hoseok introduced and I just looked at his hand in disgust.

"Minnie...?" I glared down at him as my stomach churned from the jealously I was feeling.

"Yeah...Umm would you like to join us?" Hoseok sat back down a little awkwardly and I chucked my bag besides Jimin sitting down at the end of the bench.

"Kookie ok?" Jimin piped up and he turned to face me. I just nodded my head without a word, before placing my headphones in my ears to blank out everyone around me. I saw Jimin's face fall slightly and I knew I was being rude. I just didn't like Hoseok, or 'Hobi'.

"Anyway, Minnie you were amazing in class today! I didn't know you could sing as well!" Hoseok praised and the worst thing was I could see Jimin blushing slightly.

"Aishhh...Hobi-Hyung...I wasn't that good" Jimin replied shaking his head.

"No, you weren't that good. You were amazing! Not many people can sing as sweetly as you do and I can tell you no one can dance the way you do either! You're truly amazing..." Hoseok continued to praise my Jimin, and I clenched my fists as I heard Jimin giggle cutely.

"Jungkook." A voice pulled me out of my frustration and when I turned around it was Taehyung.

"What?" I replied rather coldly and he just rolled his eyes before looking down at my clenched fists.

"You ok there?" He asked and I looked down at my hands. They were pure white from how hard I had been clenching them. I found myself unclenching them as I looked back to Tae who was now staring at me questionably.

"Fine." I simply answered, then his eyes went past me. I saw how his eyes narrowed slightly and when I turned to face where he was looking my whole body froze. Jimin was sat on Hoseok's lap, whilst Hoseok was spoon feeding some kind of disgusting liquid. I gritted my teeth as I contemplated punching Hoseok, but I didn't want to scare Jimin. Instead I grabbed my bag and climbed over the table grabbing the attention of everyone sat around me. "I have lesson." I finished, my tone deep and I left as quick as I could without another word.
As I stormed through the corridors all I could think about was how Jimin looked so content sat on Hoseok's lap and I hated it. Hoseok made Jimin smile, he made Jimin laugh, and he made Jimin forget about me. I was the only one that could make him smile, I was the only that could make him giggle, and I was the only one he could remember...So why?..why was Hoseok taking my Jiminie-Hyung...?
In a fit of rage I slammed into the bathroom. No one ever used the college bathrooms, so I knew I could have a moment of silence to sort myself out. Without thinking I kicked one of the cubical doors causing a large dint in the wood work and immense pain in my foot. "FUCKKK!" I screamed.

"Y-you ok...?" A voice rang out and when I turned around my face drained of it's colour.

"What do you want?"

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