Chapter 4

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After the scene that happened early hours that morning, I hadn't been able to get back to sleep

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After the scene that happened early hours that morning, I hadn't been able to get back to sleep. I wasn't quite sure why, but I knew it had something to do with Jimin and how I was worried he would do something to hurt himself again, so I just sat in the living room working on some assignments, every now and then walking to Jimin's door and listening in to see if he was ok.
Time moved pretty vastly and when I checked it, my phone read 12:30pm. Jimin was still in his room, so I decided to make my way over to him. I slowly opened the door and peaked my head through half expecting to see Jimin all tucked up in his bed, but instead he was just sat on the windowsill staring outside. "Jiminie?" I spoke out softly, but he didn't react. "Jiminie are you not hungry? It's dinner time. Plus you haven't had any breakfast" I asked, and when he didn't respond again, I lightly stepped towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Speak to me Jimin..."

"Not hungry." Jimin bluntly replied still not making any eye contact with me.

"So you do listen to me ?" I chucked softly trying to loosen the tension in the room.

"I hear everything you say." Jimin continued, but he seemed so interested in the outside world...

"So why is it sometimes you don't reply?" I tilted my head a little confused, but in all honesty, I just wanted to keep him taking, because the rare time I got to hear his voice, it made me smile somehow..

"Prefer not to" Jimin simply answered before he finally turned to me with his droopy and sad eyes.

"Do you think you could tell me where you came from?" I asked a little hesitantly, but Jimin just shook his head before looking down. "How about how you got here?" I continued, but again Jimin just shook his head. "Are you choosing not to tell me or is it that you don't remember?" I planned out the question, so Jimin would have to answer back instead of just a shake of his head.

"Don't remember" Jimin whispered soulfully before jumping down from the windowsill.

"I don't want to push any boundaries...but you seem like you've been through a lot of trouble...I'm listening if you'd like to talk about it" I explained and Jimin walked right past me and he was out of the room before I could say anything else. I followed after him quickly and I found him stood on the kitchen looking up at the fridge. "Jiminie, you want something to eat now?" I opened the fridge and he just nodded before looking down as if it was shameful for him wanting some food. "I can make you up something nice and warm" I smiled down at him and his expression looked like he had done something incredibly unforgivable.

"It's too much hassle..." he whispered under his breath and I could only just decipher it.

"No don't be silly, it's no trouble at all" I pulled out some eggs from the fridge and as I made my way to the cooker my hand just automatically ruffled through Jimin's hair, and it literally felt like stroking a cloud, well if I knew what stroking a cloud would feel like, but I could imagine it being Jimin's hair.
Once I realised what I had done, I couldn't help but glance back at Jimin to see his reaction, and he held his hands atop of his head and I swear down there was a slight hint of redness in his cheeks.
I pulled out the frying pan and laced it with 'FryLight' before cracking both eggs into the pan. "How do you like your eggs Jiminie?" I asked as he climbed into a seat at the breakfast bar. Jimin answered with a shrug of his shoulders and I just sighed a I continued to fry them. "Fried egg it is" Once both eggs where fried I placed them on top of a slice of bread making a sandwich. I placed the plate in front of Jimin and he looked down with completely wide eyes. "Is that ok for you?" I questioned a little worried that I had done something wrong.

"'s perfect..." his voice hitched slightly and I could hear the sincerity in his tone. I watched him as he took his first bite and the pleasure that he showed on his face was unbelievable, I had to take a gulp because if that was this face when he was just eating something he liked...imagine his face when, that's not right, can't think like that...

"It's only an egg sandwich...What did you eat before?" I laughed as he continued to take small bites savouring every little bit. Jimin shrugged his shoulders as he was too engrossed in the sandwich. "Well anyway...I saw you looking out the window earlier...Do you like the outside?" I asked curiously trying to create as much conversation as I possibly could. Jimin nodded with his mouth full and I couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable he looked when he was eating. "If you wanted I could take you out...We could take a trip to the shopping centre. You don't have any clothes other then the torn ones you showed up in" I explained and Jimin's eyes shot up as he slowly allowed his bottom lip to pass through his teeth.

" money" Jimin stared at me with his huge brown orbs and I couldn't look away...

"I-it's ok. I'll sort it out..." I stuttered a little feeling a weird sense as he stared into me. When his eyes fell back to his food I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn't sure what I would have done if he carried on looking at me the way he did...
I watched him intently as he carried on eating. I was trying to plan the shopping trip in my head, but I was too busy just admiring the way Jimin's soft, luscious lips wrapped around the sandwich and how his little teeth would pull the tiniest of nibbles off it. It's not often you meet someone who can eat a sandwich and still look pleasing to the eye...He was a special one, and I don't know why, but instead of feeling regret about allowing him to stay, I felt glad I allowed him to stay...

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