Chapter 5

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Bath Time

I washed up Jimin's plate after he finally finished cradling the egg sandwich

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I washed up Jimin's plate after he finally finished cradling the egg sandwich. I found myself chuckling as the image of Jimin slowly nibbling at the sandwich I made him came into my head again. It was such a cute and sweet sight to see. Everything about Jimin seemed so cute and sweet. I had only taken him in early hours that morning, but he was so adorable and I found it hard to focus on anything knowing that he was just across the hall from me...
I left Jimin to take a bath before we were going to leave for the shopping centre. I wanted to make sure he was fully clean, as he would be trying on a lot of clothes later that day. I randomly caught a chill as I walked past the room Jimin was vacating. It had been a good half an hour since I started to run the bath for him, and I don't know, I guess I was just a little on edge from what happened with the whole standing on glass situation, so I slowly entered and I could still hear the flowing of the water falling into the bath which was a little concerning as I set it ruining awhile back. It was like looking after a child and although he was adorable and innocent, I did feel the frustration of always having to look out for him and it had only been what...7 hours since I took him in. I gently knocked on the bathroom door to let Jimin know I was there. "Jiminie...? Are you finished yet?" I inquired, but there was no response. The same chill as before came back and it felt like a spider had just crawled down my back vastly. "Jimin?!" I raised my voice a little, but again there was no response, but I could hear the faint cries of a males voice and that was when I slammed my body against the door with all my might, successfully busting the lock and the door swung open. My eyes quickly fell onto the slouched Jimin who was wearing the white tank top I had given him, with a towel wrapped around him. He clutched the towel tightly as the water flowed over the bath, soaking Jimin. He was leaning helplessly against the bath, shivering and in between every shiver he let out a small cry. I rushed over to him and when the water splashed on me it was freezing cold. I quickly turned off the taps and in a flash I pulled the plug my whole arm and hand freezing in the process. "Jiminie, what happened?!" I panicked as his eyes moved all around the room terror prominently showing through.

"D-d....don't...make me..." Jimin cried.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned placing my hands on his shoulders.

"D...d-don't want...t...o...not...agai...n" He hiccuped, his shivering intensifying. I gulped a little unsure what to do, but I pulled him into my chest wrapping my arms around his body as tightly as I could in hope to warm up his shivering and ice cold body.

"It's ok...You're ok, whatever happened isn't going to happen again..." I reassured tracing circles on his back with my fingers.

"D...don't...w-want to go...under...can't do...can't do it" Jimin sniffed. I looked down at him a little confused and concerned, then I looked back to the bath that was now half full and still sinking...

"...You mean the water?" I asked and I felt his head slowly nod into my chest, and his hands moved from the towel and he clutched onto my shirt tightly pulling me closer. "You don't like going under water?" I continued and he nodded again. I was too concerned about Jimin that I didn't even care about the tear stains or the wet patches I had all over my clothes. "Hey...don't worry you don't have to do that..." I reassured and he stopped crying for a few seconds as he looked up to me with slightly wide eyes, but they were all swollen from the crying he had just done. "How about a nice shower? No baths filled with water, no worries about going under the water" I suggested and he tilted his head up at me.

"S-shower..?" He questioned and I couldn't believe that he didn't know what a shower was.

"Yes, a shower! It falls like a waterfall from that shower head and you let it run through your hair then your body" I explained.

"I...I like the sound of...that" He answered back a smile trying to break through.

"Alright then Jiminie, I'll get it going for you" I flashed my bunny smile down at him before letting the shower run. I made sure it wasn't too cold or too hot, before I gave the all clear of Jimin to get in. "There you go, now you can enjoy your shower" I finished before turning away. I started to head for the door, but before I could exit I felt a light tug on the sleeve of my shirt. I turned around to see a practically naked Jimin who only wore a towel around his waist. My mouth started to water and I had to gulp a few times before I realised that Jimin looked a little hesitant..."You ok Jiminie?"

"C...cou...could y...ou may..maybe st-ay" Jimin stuttered out and I could only just make it out. I felt the corners of my lips tug up into a smile as he asked me to stay...I felt like he trusted me to look after him...

"You sure you want me to stay?" I asked to double check that was ok. Jimin looked down and just nodded shyly, then I found myself ruffling my hand in his hair yet again. It was becoming quite a common thing, but I enjoyed feeling his soft locks even if they were slightly wet and stiff...
I turned around as Jimin dropped the only thing that was keeping me from seeing his 'private' parts. I didn't turn around until he was in the shower and the shower curtain was fully drawn. I had enough decency to stop myself from looking at him...
I placed the toilet seat down and sat there just watching the silhouette of Jimin's hands wandering around his bare body...I could see the clear outline of his abs I was lucky to catch a glimpse of before....He suddenly started to hum a sweet melody that had me in some kind of trance. I was swaying my body to the tune enjoying how soft and perfectly tuned his voice was...There was just something about him and I couldn't put a pin on it, but something about him had me a little whipped...

[Authors Note]
Hey! So just a little thank you for those who are reading this! I really appreciate it, and I hope you're enjoying reading it just as much as I am enjoying writing it! 💜

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