Chapter 11

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I twisted and turned in my bed in a cold sweat

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I twisted and turned in my bed in a cold sweat. My eyes flickering madly as the image of someone hurting Jimin and dragging him away from me flashed into my dream, well nightmare would be the best way to describe it. It was so vivid and it felt so real. Jimin was screaming, crying, reaching out to me desperately, but for some reason I couldn't reach him, no matter how hard I tried, how fast I sprinted, I just couldn't get to him. His painful cries wouldn't leave my mind...'Kookie!' His voice spoke out. 'Kookie!!" He repeated and I groaned, shaking my head violently. "K-KOOKIE!" Jimin's voice brought me back into reality and I shot up my eyes wide from the nightmare I had just endured. It took me awhile to realise that it was all in my head, and when I came round I was face to face with the blonde haired beauty. He was kneeling on top of me, his head slightly cocked to the side, confusion written all over him.

"Jiminie-Hyung" I breathed, feeling a sense of relief that he was ok and still here. He continued to stare into me and I backed up against the headboard of my bed, which only made Jimin crawl closer to me. He raised his hand up to me and I pushed myself against the headboard as much as I could . "J-Jiminie...Hyung" I gulped, just before Jimin placed his small, warm hand against my ice cold, sweaty forehead.

"J-Jungkook...Sick?" He tilted his head even more, but instead of confusion, he showed concern.

"I-I'm ok...Just cold" I replied not daring to make any eye contact with him.

"You're sweaty...but cold" Jimin continued, slowly trailing his hand from my forehead to my cheek. I felt a rush of warmth flow through me and I placed my hand on top of his, lightly taking it off my cheek.

"I'm fine Jiminie..." I replied, before letting go of his hand. I uncovered myself with a large yawn and a stretch. When I looked back to Jimin he seemed a little taken aback, his cheeks a small hue of pink. "You ok..?"

" m-maybe p-put on a shi...shirt...p...p-please?" Jimin asked with a small stammer which I found insanely adorable. I just stared at him in awe, as he fiddled with the sheets on my bed. It took me awhile to realise the reason of his flushed face, and when I looked down I noticed my bare chest. I had a habit of falling asleep without any clothes on except a pair of tight boxers, because I'd either be too warm, or too uncomfortable...

"Aish! Sorry Jimin-Ah!" I panicked rushing to pick up the first shirt I found.

"It''s ok" He hesitantly looked up to check if I had put a shirt on and when he was sure he finally jumped up with a grin. I chuckled awkwardly before my eyes fell onto the digital clock on the side table next to my bed and my eyes grew in size.

"Jiminie-Hyung! It's 5am! What are you even doing up?" I questioned and he began to chew on his bottom lip.

"Well, I umm...I couldn't get to sleep...I tried to sleep next to Kookie, but you kept wriggling and whining in your sleep, so I decided to wake Kookie up" Jimin explained and I couldn't help but smile as he said the nickname he had given to me just the other day. "I really want a hot chocolate..." Jimin admitted.

"A hot chocolate?" I rolled my eyes with a shake of my head as he looked up with his desperate puppy eyes.

"Please Kookie...Please?" Jimin got down on his knees again and clasped his hands together, begging like he was some kind of homeless boy on the streets...I tried all I could to avoid saying yes, but the way he looked at me and begged me...I couldn't resist.

"...A...Alright." I admitted defeat and started to head for the door before he would notice my bright red cheeks.

"With extra whipped cream, sprinkles and marshmallows!" Jimin chimed as he followed behind me into the kitchen.
I sat opposite Jimin as he began to devour his Hot Chocolate with extra whipped cream, sprinkles and marshmallows. It was 5am in the morning bare in mind, but at this point I couldn't deny his adorable puppy eyes. If I kept falling for them every time I'd be out of food...and out of my mind. His yes glistened as he slowly licked up the whipped cream that was dripping down the sides of the mug. It was killing me, but I couldn't take my eyes of him..."Kookie-Ah...?" Jimin looked up and I had to shake my head to actually focus properly.

"Hmmm?" I queried and he began to climb over the breakfast bar with a smirk. "Wha...What are you doing?" I watched him as he came up close to my face the same smirk as before. Suddenly he revealed his small, chubby hands and smeared some whipped cream on my nose. I jolted a little from the shock of his actions and he just giggled as he heard my unexpected squeal.

"Ko...Ko hahaha! Kookie has...haha cream!" Jimin giggled between his words and I just sighed before wiping off the cream on my nose. I leaned over the breakfast bar and brushed the cream over his lips, licking mine in the process. "Hey!" Jimin whined as he licked away the cream from his lips. His lips looked so god damn kissable...They were almost screaming to me. "Yummy!"

"Jiminie..." I spoke out as I nonchalantly reached out to grab his wrist. He looked up so innocently and as much as I wanted to mush my lips against his I knew it would be wrong...He may have been older then me, but he certainly didn't act like it. He acted like a child, and I couldn't ruin that innocence about him. He was too pure and...and small...and cute...

"K-Kookie?" He snapped me out of My thoughts and I closed my eyes tightly for a few long seconds before I opened them up again to see Jimin's sweet little eyes looking back up to me, and I just brushed my finger up to his chin to tickle him lightly, but to my surprise he turned his face slightly so that that my hand was gently caressing his cheek and he leaned into my touch with a sweet smile that sent sparks of heat through my body.

"I love how you've become more open with me Jiminie-Hyung..." I spoke my mind and instantly regretted it. I felt like I had just gone and made things weird now, but again to my surprise Jimin just hummed before replying with a simple;

"I trust you Kookie..."

[Authors Note]
So another update! Eyo!! I know it was quite short, but I thought it was better then making you wait basically a month! I hope you enjoyed and as always thank you for taking your time to read my work! I really appreciate it! If you have any requests or questions, I'm always up for fulfilling your creative ideas and answering any questions you have to ask! 💜]

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