Chapter 12

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Your Warmth

I was half awake and have asleep

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I was half awake and have asleep. I wasn't all there at this point. I rolled over as I was trying to recover from my deep slumber. It was actually one of the greatest sleeps I had, had in a very a long time. I had this weird, yet oddly satisfying dream where I was just floating in the sky, this warm feeling in my chest as I felt so light.
I moved my arm to one side and I felt a lump in my bed. As I moved my hand along the lump next to me I heard a soft groan, making me open my eyes. As I adjusted to the light I saw a blurry structure like a face. As soon as my eyesight became clear my eyes grew in size...I was about to sit up and call out his name, but then I noticed how peaceful he looked. He was all wrapped up in my duvet, like a burrito, his little head poking out. His eyes were lightly shut, every now and then they would flicker as if he was having some kind of dream...His little nose, his nostrils flaring at the same time as his eyes flickered. Only a third of the world can flare their nostrils...That was just another thing that made him so unique and special. His lips were slightly parted and I noticed the small pool of drool that hung from the corner of his lips. It wasn't disgusting, it was sweet and it showed just how adorable Park Jimin was.
I continued to admire every single feature of his face. It was the only time I could really take in every single detail as I would always get too embarrassed or too scared to do it when he was awake. I found myself smiling as I watched the duvet rise up and down every time he let out a little breath, every now and then mumbling something, but I couldn't quite make out what he was trying to say. By this point I wasn't even questioning why he was laid in my bed next to me. I was too busy lost in his ethereal beauty, that I had completely forgotten everything...
Out of nowhere I could see one of his eyes open and he was staring right into me. I was frozen. I didn't know what to do or say. I had just been watching him sleep...God that sounded so creepy as well. "M-morning..." I stuttered a little sheepishly and Jimin proceeded to let out the cutest, high pitched yawn I had ever heard and he stretched out his arms before turning back on his side to face me. "...You sleep well?" I questioned and he lazily nodded in response. "Good...umm you wanna get up now?" I continued getting ready to move into the outside world, aka not my bed. Jimin looked at me before he squeezed his eyes shut tightly and he proceeded to shake his head violently. "Jiminie-Hyung..." I chuckled a little, then he surprisingly started to shuffle towards me.

"No." Jimin whined before he snuggled his head into my chest, and I could feel my heart beat losing it's stability.

"J-Jiminie?!" I gulped a little taken aback by his gesture but non the less Jimin continued to rub his head against my chest, bare chest I'll have you know too, and to top it all off he was humming innocently as his warm hands traveling to my bare back.

"Kookie warm..." He muttered and my whole body seemed to loosen up as I felt him squeeze me close.

"I'm warm?" I chuckled in response and he nodded yet again and I could feel his hot breath against my skin.

"I like your warmth..." Jimin dopily answered back, and I could tell he was going to fall asleep again any second.

"You do?" I questioned not daring to look down at him.

"Mhm...It's calming..." Jimin continued and my breath hitched ever so slightly as his words kind of affected me... "That's why I came to you...Couldn't sleep without you..." He whispered and I could feel his hands slowly loosening around my back.

"Jiminie...." I spoke softly then I did it. I finally looked down and my heart melted. He was curled up, his head buried against my chest and his hands loosely hung over my back. I could tell he had fallen into a deep slumber again. I couldn't help myself, I just had to do it...My hand hesitantly reached out and I brushed it through the mop of Jimin's blonde hair. It was so soft...I wanted to know how he kept it so perfect, but my hand continued to travel down to his left cheek. It was slightly rosey and I traced my thumb and index finger along it.
The longer I stared down at him the more I realised there was still so many unanswered questions;

Why did he seem so damaged?

Where did he come from?

How did he get here?

What happened?

Who is he?

Who's Yoongi....?

And what the hell happened to Taemin trying to find out where he came from..?

So many unanswered questions that I was dying to know...If I wasn't so worried, and if Jimin wasn't so delicate I would straight up ask him them all, but he seemed to like me and the other day he told me that he trusted me...I didn't want to lose that trust.
At first I couldn't give one shit, but all of a sudden his adorable charm hit me like a tonne of bricks. I'd never really cared about anyone in my entire life, then this little cutie came stumbling in all lost and helpless...My heart just couldn't take it.
I would figure him out eventually...but that was the least of my worries, as what was to come would only change me, my life, and how I saw everything around me...

[Authors Note]
Eyo! So I know this chapter was short and it was pure fluff, but like I felt like I needed more Jikook fluff moments, because although there's been quite a few, there hasn't been a solid chapter of just them two being all cutesy, so I thought I'd do it! And I think it really shows how much Jimin has warmed up to Jungkook. At first he was a shy, damaged and weary boy, but now he's opening himself up to Jungkook. He's smiling and giggling. He feels like he can trust Jungkook. As for Jungkook, well he's clearly falling for little Jiminie 😆
Anyway thanks for reading as always! Love you all and look forward to the next chapter 💜❤

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