Chapter 16

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"What do you want?" I harshly spoke up as I heard the shuffling of feet behind me

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"What do you want?" I harshly spoke up as I heard the shuffling of feet behind me. When I turned around I noticed it was Jimin. He was stood just staring at me, his eyes slightly narrowed. I gulped as I realised just how harsh I sounded, and the look on Jimin's face made me regret it in an instant.

"K-Kookie..." Jimin's small voice replied and I unclenched my fists as I took a deep breath.

"Jimin..." I started as I limped forward, my foot still in excruciating pain from kicking the stall door.

"What's wrong..?" He questioned and I went to take a hold of his hand, but then the image of Hoseok intertwining his fingers with Jimin's paw like hands made my stomach churn and instead of taking his hand I grabbed it roughly and pinned him against the wall. I didn't know what came over me, but the jealously I felt only made me want to make him mine. I wanted to show everybody Jimin was mine and mine only. I slowly started to lean forward, to the point where I could feel Jimin's hot breath against my lips. Suddenly I realised what I was doing and I averted my gaze from Jimin's lips to his eyes. His eyes were tightly shut and his lips were trembling. He was scared...

"Jimin I..." I started to back up, and I held out my hand to Jimin as an apology. The terror in his eyes was so prominent. Instead of taking my hand, he pushed it away with a whimper.

"!" Jimin started to scream as he stared at me as if I was going to kill him.

"Jiminie...Please it's ok..." I tried to reassure, but it was too late. He turned to the door and sprinted out. It took me awhile to process what had just happened, but when I came round I rushed out of the bathroom, back into the canteen and straight back to the table Jimin and I were previously sat at. "Where's Jimin?!" I panted a little out of breath and everyone looked up confused.

"I don't know...didn't say much..." Tae answered looking down, then suddenly Hoseok stood up with his hands firmly on the table.

"He said he went after you." Hoseok furrowed his brow, and I wiped my mouth as I thought about what happened.

"So he's not here...?" I asked.

"No he's not here. What did you do?" Hoseok questioned and I frowned as I shook my head.

"I haven't got time to explain myself to you. I need to find Jimin!" I practically yelled before turning on my heel.

"You're very rude Jeon Jungkook!" Hoseok called out and I stopped in my steps.

"What?" I snarled, not bothering to turn around and face him.

"I said you're very rude Jeon Jungkook. Jimin told me you were very kind and funny. He said you were sweet and amazing, but you're not at all. You were so cold to Jimin, and you were so blatantly jealous of how close me and Jimin were at the table. You have feelings for Jimin." Hoseok explained and I finally faced him walking right up to his face.

"You have no right to tell me who I have feelings for. Jimin is a damaged and lost boy that I took in. I'm looking after him, I'm helping him and I'm his only friend. So shut up and stay out of this. He is not your business" I replied through gritted teeth before walking away without another word.

"He's free to have who he wants you know!" Hoseok called out and I did stop for a few seconds, but then I just carried on walking away. "HE'S NOT YOURS TO OWN!" Hoseok continued, but the further I walked away the quieter his voice become, before it just faded into the mass of noise that was already around me.
Once I was completely out of sight, I began to pick up my pace. I started jogging, before it became running, then soon it was a full on sprint. The only place I thought of was home. That was the only place he could be. It didn't take long before I was face to face with my front door. When I tried the handle it opened straight away. Just before Jimin started college I had given him his own key, just incase something bad were to happen to him or me and he needed to get home quickly. I had to teach him how to turn the key so he could unlock and lock the door. Just another reason as to why he was so innocent and adorable. I finally walked into the hallway.

"Jimin...?" I called out closing the door behind me. When there was no response I continued to walk further into the house. "Jiminie-Hyung?" I called out again a little softer and I could hear the faint cries of Jimin, but then I heard the sound of someone's voice. It was a low, deep and booming voice repeating 'Shhhhh'. I gulped as I followed the voice and Jimin's cries. I finally reached my room and I saw Jimin, but he wasn't alone. Jimin was sat on the little wooden cabinet in my room and there was someone else sat next to him trying to get him to calm down...I wasn't quite sure what to do. I had never seen this person before...I hadn't even seen him around college either. "What the hell?!" I finally snapped and the other male shot up. He definitely looked older and he had a darkish red tint in his hair. He was quite short, just a little taller then Jimin...I noticed his eyes first...they were so familiar, just like Jimin's eyes. They looked so lost and damaged. "W-who are you?" I questioned and he looked to me with a slight worry in his eyes. "Tell me who you are?!" I repeated a little louder and more serious, and he looked down to Jimin who had clearly become more scared from my tone of voice.

"Don't touch him!" The male shouted before wrapping his arms protectively around Jimin.

"I said who are you?!" I retorted before prying him off of Jimin. The male was about to react violently, but Jimin placed his small hand on the other males arm.

"Jimin...?" He raised an eyebrow down at Jimin who just looked up at him with pleading eyes, whilst shaking his head. "If that's what you want..." The male replied before letting out a sigh and looking at me a little wearily.

"Who. Are. You?" I repeated yet again in a very slow and dark tone.

"My name is not your business." He answered back rather bluntly. I used all the strength inside of me not to punch that ignorant stranger square in the jaw, because Jimin seemed to know him and the last thing I wanted was to make Jimin even more scared of me.

"I'm asking nicely. What is your name please...?" I softened my tone as much as I could, and although I knew I was going to hate this guy, if he knew something about Jimin I was determined to find out.

"Fine..." He sighed and I noticed he unclenched his fists. "My names Y..." Suddenly he was cut off by some kind of alarm tone and he pulled out this small device that was flashing red. His eyes started to panic and he turned back to look down to Jimin. "I'm sorry...I have to go..." He apologised before placing a hand on Jimin's shoulder and crouching down to his level. "I'll be back...I'll save you...That's a promise." He finished before standing back up. He turned to me and I was at a loss for words. Before I could even process what was going on the stranger had sprinted away, leaving me dumbfounded. It wasn't until I heard Jimin's soft cries that brought me back into reality.

"Jiminie..." I started and I rushed to his side pulling him into my arms before he could even object. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" I repeated over and over again as I rocked backwards and forwards in hope to soothe his tears, but the only word I received was;

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