Chapter 2

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[Jungkook's Pov] There was nothing but silence

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[Jungkook's Pov]
There was nothing but silence. No matter what I said, no matter what I did, there was just no response from the broken, but beautiful boy. It was like he was frozen, stuck on pause if you like. He wouldn't move from the same spot, he was just stood in the middle of the main room staring at the wall with those deep and sorrowful eyes. I wish I knew what he was thinking at the time, so then maybe I could have helped, but it was clear to me that he wasn't going to let anyone or anything know. I mean I didn't even know his name, and I was itching to know.
I poured a glass of icy cold water and made my way back to the boy who was starting to shake a little. I tilted my head a little before holding the glass in front of the boy. "Here...I'm not quite sure if you're thirsty, but it might help calm you down a little." I started with a small smile. "It's fresh I promise" I urged him into taking it, but he wasn't moving for anything. "Come on boy...there must be something I can do to help" I sighed putting the glass of water on the coffee table.

"J-j...Jimin..." A small voice spoke out and my ears twitched a little as the voice was so sweet and soft.

"W-what did you say?" I turned too face the boy, I was so surprised and lost in the boys voice I didn't even hear him properly.

"J...Jimin...not boy" His voice replied a little unsteady and I couldn't help but smile widely showing my bunny teeth which I hated with a passion, but I just couldn't contain it.

"Jimin..." I repeated to myself. Jimin definitely fit the boys character. Adorable, quiet and fluffy. "Jiminie!" I basically yelled a little excited at the nickname that just popped into my head.

"J-Jiminie..." Jimin's gaze reached up to mine and I was so shocked that he was actually interacting with me.

"Mhm...Do you like it?" I asked just to make sure it was ok to call him it, and he just answered back with a little nod and I noticed the corner of his lips curve up slightly. I felt somewhat proud that I managed to make him smile, even if it was just a little. "Jiminie it is then!" I clicked my fingers and Jimin clapped his hands together before shuffling a little closer to me. "Are you hungry Jiminie?" I continued a little worried that he hadn't eaten at all. Jimin replied with a shake of his head. "You're not much of a talker are you?" I questioned looking down at him and he shook his head again before looking down like he had done something wrong. I placed a hand on his bare shoulder which made Jimin flinch a little, so I pulled it away quickly noticing how much it affected him..."It's ok...I won't hurt you...I don't know what happened before, but I'm here to look after you, that's what I intend to do" I reassured, before I could say anything else Jimin reached out his small, cute and slightly chubby hands and took the glass of water I had placed on the coffee table mere minutes ago and he quickly downed it desperately. " were thirsty" I chuckled a little and when he looked up I could see the embarrassment in his face, as his cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. "Don't worry, you can drink as much as you want. I have plenty more where that came from" I continued to chuckle as I sat down on the couch making room for Jimin to sit next to me. I patted the space and gestured for Jimin to join me. "Come sit with me. We can watch whatever you want" I smiled softly. The hesitation in his eyes was clear as day, yet he still slowly shuffled his way over to the seat next to me. As he sat down he shimmied as far away from me as he possibly could. I guess he didn't fully trust me, which was understandable, he'd only known me for less then an hour..."Anything you'd like to watch?" I asked turning to Jimin who was bouncing his knees up and down uncontrollably. I started to flick through the channels waiting for a response from Jimin, but he didn't seem to have a reaction to any channel. "Nothing peaks an interest huh? Well don't blame you...nothing ever good on TV these days" I stated and then I noticed Jimin staring at a certain DVD on the coffee table. It was 'Avengers'. "You like Avengers?" I questioned picking up the DVD case. Jimin chewed on his bottom lip before nodding nervously. "Who's your favourite?" I continued and Jimin suddenly lit up before desperately pointing at the picture of The Hulk on the front cover. "Ahhh you like The Hulk...I like Iron Man" I admitted showing off my Iron Man socks which won a giggle from Jimin and in that moment my heart skipped a beat. His giggle was so gentle and smooth...I wanted to hear it again..."I'll put it on for you then" I nodded before placing it in the DVD player ready to press play. I then caught a glimpse of Jimin's milky white skin. It looked just like porcelain, so delicate. It was extremely distracting. "Umm Jiminie, would you like to borrow a top?" I asked shuffling in my seat a little, this made Jimin pull up the sleeve of his shirt and jumper to cover his revealed shoulder, then he shook his head to say no. "Are you sure? I don't mind, and you're shoulder won't get cold" I explained. It took Jimin a few long seconds to think, then he looked up to me with a small gulp before nodding and mouthing a small 'please'
I made my way into my room before opening the drawer full of my plain white t's, the only problem was they were all oversized. I tried to find the smallest size I had, purely because Jimin seemed to have a small figure. The only small size I had was a large, yet it still looked like it would drown him. I shrugged and took it back to Jimin anyway. "Here you go Jiminie, you can wear this. It might be a little big, but it shouldn't be as bad as the ones you're wearing now" I handed it to Jimin who took it with his smol hands. He looked around a little anxiously and I was confused to say the least. "Something wrong Jiminie?" I asked and he just looked down at the top then back to me. It took me awhile to catch on, but I realised what he meant in the end. "Aish, sorry Jiminie...I'll turn around" I apologised before turning around to give him some privacy. The urge to turn around just to catch a glimpse of his doll like skin was unreal...lucky for me there was a mirror that showed me Jimin changing into the top. I felt a little guilty and perverted, but holy mother of all things perfect it was worth it. What I saw wasn't what I was expecting at all. His chest was muscular and you could see his collarbones clearly sticking out. My eyes travelled down a little further and my jaw dropped. My eyes were stuck on his perfectly toned abs...They weren't too hard either, they were subtle and that's what made them even more irresistible. I was surprised to say the least. This cute and shy boy had a body like a god...I could see the V line starting at his torso, but at that point I knew my limits and I looked away, even though I would have loved to have seen the whole thing...
I heard the shuffling of Jimin's body then a sudden light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Jimin was wearing my oversized top and only my oversized top. He had taken his jeans off too, showing off his thighs and I could feel my cheeks burning up. I covered my mouth in order to stop any unwanted noises escaping. He looked beyond cute...beyond perfect...he was an angel.

"t-thank you..." Jimin choked a little and my eyes glistened as I watched him get comfy on the couch. I had to pry myself away from staring too long. The last thing I wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable. "Y-you ready?" I asked with a small stutter and Jimin replied with his usual small nod. I pressed play and the movie started. I did well to focus at first, but my attention slowly began to divert to Jimin. I was intrigued to see his reaction to the film and honestly I was so glad to see how happy he looked. He was so invested in the film, he rarely blinked. I loved watching how he would get excited every time The Hulk came on the screen and how he would lean forward in his seat just to get a closer look at all the action scenes.
As the film went on I noticed how Jimin's eyes started to slowly close, then he let out a little yawn. I watched as he slowly laid his head down on the side allowing himself to fall into a deep slumber. I waited until the film was finished, even though I wasn't paying much attention to it, I just wanted to make sure Jimin was lost in sleep. I stood up once the film was over and turned off the TV before admiring the heavenly breaths Jimin was giving out as he curled up to the edge of the couch. I finally decided to pick him up in my arms gently. As I did I heard a soft mumble, and I lulled a little melody in hope to send him into his deep slumber and to my luck it did. He turned in my arms and snuggled his head into my shirt. I felt a little flushed and as much as I would have loved to have slept with Jimin like this, I knew it wasn't fair on him, so I took little steps towards one of the many spare rooms in the house. I put him the closest room to mine, just incase something we're to happen.
I carefully lowered him down onto the bed before tucking him in and checking he was fully covered. Once I was satisfied I looked down at the sleeping Jimin who had curled up into foetus position. I pulled myself away from him and turned out the light before closing the door.
It had been a long night...when I checked the time it was 5 in the morning. I stretched out my arms with a loud yawn before heading to the comfort of my own bed. I was still mesmerised by the holy site of Jimin...He was so perfect beyond belief. It was hard to believe someone like him even existed, and for such a boy like him to go through a traumatic experience...I couldn't even begin to think what it was...

[Authors Note]
Boom! Another chapter down! I think this was longer...Was it longer? I felt like it was longer. Anyway I'm rambling, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading as always! Can't wait to continue writing this! 🙌🏻

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