Chapter 6

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Sketchy Character

After Jimin was finished in the shower I averted my eyes away

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After Jimin was finished in the shower I averted my eyes away. As much as the temptation to look at Jimin's body  screamed in my head, I had enough decency to give him his privacy. I then felt a light tug on my shirt and when I turned around Jimin was wearing one of my oversized white tee's and black skinny jeans that shaped his legs surprising well. It was wrong for me to say I wasn't stunned by his look. I never ever liked sharing my clothes, but for some reason seeing my clothes on Jimin made me feel overwhelmed with a sort of warm, mushy feeling. I wanted him to wear my clothes all the time...Once I realised how long I'd been staring down at Jimin I quickly diverted my gaze feeling my cheeks burn up a little. " ready?" I choked looking back to Jimin who just nodded whilst chewing on his bottom lip nervously. I crouched down a little to reach his level and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Hey it's ok...I won't leave your side, I promise" I reassured and he looked up at me with a bewildered expression, before letting out a small smile, which made me melt a little inside.
I started to walk out Jimin following shortly behind me. I grabbed my phone and keys before exiting the house. I looked back to make sure Jimin was still there, but he wasn't behind me, instead he was stood on the doorstep staring right past me. I turned around to see what was so distracting and then I saw someone from my class that I'd never really spoken to heading my way.

"Hey Jungkook!" He called out finally reaching me with a dorky kind of smile. He was quite tall with dirty blonde hair. I did recognise him a little, but I wasn't quite sure at the time where from.

"Hello..?" I replied a little confused as to why he was trying to make conversation.

"Ah I suppose you don't know who I am. I'm from your class. Taehyung" He explained and I tilted my head a little as I remembered seeing his face a few times.

"Oh right...umm hi" I answered back a little unsure what else to say.

"I noticed you weren't in class this morning, so I came to give you some notes" Taehyung answered whilst handing me a plastic wallet filled with a few papers.

"Oh umm thanks..." I gratefully took them with a small bow, then I noticed him looking behind me a little with a soft expression. I turned around to see Jimin hiding behind the car, peaking round every now and then. "Jiminie...?" I called out in a gentle tone, but he just shook his head before hiding behind the car again.

"Who's that?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Just somebody I took in last night. Taemin brought him over to mine. He was found wandering the campus..." I found myself answering his question which had me a little confused because I barely even knew him.

"You took him in?!" Taehyung questioned with wide eyes.

"Yeah...uhhh why are you asking?" I retorted a little crossing my arms.

"It's just that you seem so quiet in're always alone too...I didn't expect someone like you to take in a random stranger that's all..." He continued and I turned to look back at Jimin.

"Now you mention it...yeah...I don't even know why I took him in..." I admitted whilst looking at the top of Jimin's blonde hair, which could just be seen above the car. "Anyway, thanks for the notes, but I have to be somewhere" I quickly snapped out of my trance turning back to Taehyung.

"Right yes...wait are you not going to next lesson?" Taehyung asked and I shook my head.

"Nope. I'm busy." I answered bluntly.

"Oh...ok. Well have fun with whatever you're doing..." Taehyung smiled a little before looking back to Jimin. He shook his head quickly and then turned away. I watched him suspiciously as he walked further and further away. Something about him felt a little odd. Like how did he know my name? How did he know my house number? And how did he even know to look for me in class...?
I shook the questions out of my head before turning back to Jimin who would not move from behind the car. "Jiminie, it's ok...he's gone now" I smiled charmingly and he came out from behind the car looking around a little skittishly. "You do know that there will be more people once we reach the shopping centre?" I asked and he just looked down shuffling his feet. "Come on...let's just get in the car" I sighed opening the door for him. He climbed into the passenger seat, before I closed his door and I made my way to my side. "Put your seatbelt on" I added before buckling myself in. I looked over to Jimin and when he had his seatbelt on I pulled out of the campus parking area and onto the road.
It was too silent and I didn't really like it. Every now and then I would look over to Jimin and he would always be doing something that would make me feel a little uneasy and could be from him just intensely biting his lip or innocently messing with his fingers, it still made me feel a little hot. I put on the radio in hope to make the tension in the car a little less...what's the word..? Sexual..? It certainly helped a little, but then I would get distracted by Jimin's sweet voice singing along to the music on the radio. "'re actually quite good..." I gasped as I continued to listen to his voice that rang like angels in my ears. He didn't say anything he just continued to sing along and I swear he knew every single word of every song that was played.
It was nice to just listen to Jimin's flowing voice. As he didn't speak much this was the only way I could hear his voice..."You should sing more. I like it"

"T-thank you...Jungkook-Ah" Jimin spoke out and this caught me right off guard. He said my name and I wasn't expecting that at all. It made me serve the car a little, but I quickly turned back on track and I just gulped.

"You said my name..." I said in an almost whisper, then Jimin just nodded back with a doe-eyed expression. "Say it again?" I asked with a gulp.

"Jungkook-Ah..." He repeated and my whole body tensed up as the sound of my name rolled off his tongue, but then I realised something...

"Jungkook-Ah? Shouldn't it be Jungkook-Hyung?" I asked with a small smirk seeing how far I could go, but Jimin just simply shook his head and as I pulled into the parking lot I turned to face him with a small frown. "I am older then you Jiminie" I stated.

"Jungkook-Ah is 19?" Jimin asked not even making eye contact with me.

"Yes that's correct" I answered.

"Jiminie is 21" He admitted and my eyes grew in size as I stared down at the blonde boy in my car not believing him at all.

"You're older than me?!" My voice cracked a little as I was so shocked.

"Mhm!" Jimin replied smiling up at me.

" can someone so small, cute and innocent be older then me...?" I spoke out loud and as soon as the words came out from my mouth I instantly wanted to hit myself. I never meant to say any of that out loud, but it was too late to take it back...

"Jungkook-Ah thinks...thinks I'm...small?!" Jimin looked up with sad eyes and I just chuckled to myself. The fact that he pulled out the small from my sentence was the funny thing...

"I thought you knew you were small" I continued to chuckle, and I saw Jimin's brows turn into a frown. "I'm only messing..." I lightly hit Jimin on the arm and he quickly flinched away with a small 'ow' "Jimin did I hurt you?" I asked with concern evident in my expression and tone. I moved my face a little closer to him in hope to see where I hurt him...

"Fooled you!" Jimin then hit my cheek with his small hand lightly as he giggled softly and my mouth just hung open. I couldn't believe that only this morning this boy was completely lost and depressed, and now he was giggling and messing around...I just didn't understand how he could change from one thing to another...but at any rate I just stared at his smiling face and I felt a sense of security and warmth inside me. I was happy to see him smile, I was happy to hear him laugh, and that only made him seem more precious...

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