Chapter 17

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I was supposed to be at college that day

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I was supposed to be at college that day. I was supposed to be taking an exam that day, but I couldn't leave the house. I couldn't leave Jimin all alone. He was in a terrible state, just like the first time I had ever met him. I had hoped we had gotten past that stage, but after that day I almost...No, when that mysterious guy was comforting him, he just stayed in exactly the same position. It was like he was frozen in time. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't drink, he wouldn't say a word and I was so worried. I couldn't leave him like that, so I called in college and explained that I wasn't feeling too good. Yes they weren't very happy about it, but it wasn't like they could just drag me to the exam hall. I could sit it another day.
I had a glass of ice cold water in my hand as I walked into Jimin's room. I looked around in hope to see that he had moved, but with a disappointed sigh I saw him sat down on the floor, leaning against his bed. I made my over to him with a weak smile. "Jiminie-Hyung...? How you feeling today?" I asked calmly as I crouched down to his level, but he didn't move a muscle. "Come on Jimin...It's been 3 days. You haven't drank or eaten anything. I'm worried." I admitted, but there was nothing, not even a glance to show me he was listening. I contemplated on leaving him alone, but my body wouldn't let me. Instead I sat down next to him, placing the glass of water by my side. "Your missing lessons you know! That's not very good" I chuckled in hope to get some kind of reaction. Once I realised he wasn't going to reply I gently placed my hand over his. "Please talk to me Jimin. You know I'm here to listen. Tell me why you're like this. What happened?" I softly pleaded as I squeezed his hand briefly. I waited a few long minutes in hope that something would just trigger him into talking to me, but there was only silence. I thought about something else that might make him speak up, then that name and that face came in my mind..."Jimin who's Yoongi?" I asked and without hesitation his whole body turned to me and he blinked with a blank expression. "Jimin...You wanna talk about Yoongi?" I asked and it took him a few seconds before he slowly nodded his head. "Who is he Jimin...? Why was he here...?" I questioned and I noticed Jimin's lower lip started to tremble.

" him..." Jimin started practically stuttering at every word and my heart started to sink. The word love sent a cold and sharp pain through my body.

"L-love?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly. The word itself didn't just scare me, but it also hurt me...The thought of my Jimin loving someone other then me...I hated it.

"He...l-looked after me...He...he" Jimin bursted into tears again and I hesitantly wrapped my arm around him for comfort.

"Shh...It's ok Jiminie...take your time. Please have some water" I begged as I held the glass up to his now dry, and cracked lips. He resisted at first, but I wouldn't take no as an answer and it didn't take long before he was gulping the whole glass of water down his throat. I could hear the desperation in his throats as he frantically gulped it all down. Once I moved the glass away from his lips he calmed down a little as he leaned into me.

"H-he looked after me...Wh...when n-no one would..." Jimin sniffed as I lightly trailed my hand up and down his arm.

"What about your family..?" I questioned and he nuzzled into my side.

"O...Oongi is family..." Jimin answered and I tilted my head down, a little confused.

"He's family?" I continued and he nodded into my side.

"Brother..." He simply added and I didn't know why, but I felt a sense of relief as he told me that Yoongi was his brother, but I also felt bad for smiling when Jimin was having a rough time.

"Your brother...? What about your mother and father?" I enquired, but I felt the tears staining my shirt again and I knew I asked an upsetting question. "You don't have to answer Jiminie...Not until you're ready to open up fully" I explained with a soft tone and he squeezed into me yet again.

"T...t-thank you...Other then...Yoongi I've never had someone being so kind.." Jimin admitted and my heart broke. The thought of someone being awful to this precious boy killed me. How could anyone look at Jimin and hurt him..?!

"You're so precious Jiminie...You only deserve the best and the thought that someone in your past hurt you, kills me. I want you to know that no matter what, I will not let anyone hurt you. They'll have to go through me first" I stated seriously and Jimin peered up with wide eyes, like no one had ever said anything like that to him before, and he suddenly pounced on me, his small arms squeezing around my body, and as if it was completely normal he pecked my lips and I gasped from the shock of it happening. I wasn't expecting it, and yes it was only a quick peck, but it still felt like much more...

"T-thank you Kookie..." He whispered before burying his face in my shirt. I was still a little taken aback by Jimin's action, but I soon held him tightly as if he would run away if I let go.
We stayed exactly like that for the next 2 hours. I wasn't prepared to move, just incase Jimin would go back to his silent and lost ways. I wanted Jimin to know that I cared for him. I wanted him to know that I would protect him...I wanted him to know how much he meant to me. There was just something that was holding me back from showing him and I had no idea what it was, but it wouldn't let my body take action...

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