Chapter 2

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Camila and I have been friends since freshman year in college. She was my roommate back then, a wild one if I may say. She looked oh so innocent and flawless, but she was a party animal. She tried to keep that image with me the first weeks, I never knew why though, until one night I went to a frat party and saw her dancing on a coffee table with Dinah, her best friend from high school. I must admit, the girl has some moves.

One day, we thought it would be a great idea to cover our dorm's hallway with butter and do a sliding contest. I managed to fall from the window at the end of the hallway, breaking a few bones as I landed on some bushes, luckily, could've been worse. Honestly, why was there a window at the end of a fucking hallway? Nevermind.

We have our differences, of course, but we just click. I think destiny just wanted us to be best friends. We always feel comfortable around each other, we trust each other and most important, we care for each other. So whenever one of us is going through tough times, we know we're not on our own. Of course, we have family and a lovely group of friends which I love with all my heart, but with Camila...well it's just different. We're always honest with each other and I never felt judged by her, even if I have a little extra friend between my legs, you know, I'm intersexual, but that's another story.

I was there when she found out that she was pregnant with little Zach, and I was there when that moron she was dating dumped her because of her pregnancy. Fucking asshole. I wanted to beat the shit out of him so badly, I guess it was written, because I happened to bump on him by accident during spring break, a day I know he'll never forget.

Camila was there for me when my granny passed away, and she's always been supportive towards every single choice that I made. Plus, she takes really good care of me whenever I'm sick or have an injury, which happens A LOT.

My parents love her and they treat her as their own daughter, same goes with their parents towards me. She's like a little sister to me, even if we're kinda around the same age. She's such a loving, kind person, and she deserves nothing but the best.

After Zach was born, I moved out from my old apartment in Santa Monica and found a great deal in the same building Camila's been living since we left college, just to be around if she needs me. That's how we became neighbors. The building itself is great. Most of our neighbors are nice and chill. I actually managed to make some friends around. It's not that far from my office, so that's a plus. I work as a video game developer at pandemic studios, and let me tell you something, it's the fucking bomb. I'm so lucky to have everything I love this close.

As for litthe Zach, he's quite the charmer, if you ask me. He's 11 months old now, and a pretty sneaky little nugget. He moves around with ease, and I can tell he has an adventurous soul. He loves exploring, so I have an extra pair of eyes over him when I babysit him, you never know. Also, he's a great listener, kinda. And he loves to sit on my lap while we play some videogames, I'm telling you, he's got skills. I just love him.

Whenever I'm not working, I just get to hang out with the crew, we try to stay active after long hours of sitting in front of a computer. Surfing is our number one activity, of course. We also enjoy having random water or paintball wars at Cody's house, rock climbing or camping. Camila says we're just like a bunch of old teenagers running around, but who cares, right?

Wait, Camila!! Fuck I was supposed to take her and little Z-charmer to the doctor! What time is it again? Oh, well, one more game won't do any harm.... I'm beating Zack's ass, I won't quit right now!

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