Chapter 15

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Camila's P.O.V

Coming back home from my date with Annaleigh I can't stop smiling. She's such a wonderful woman, sweet and funny.

We had dinner at a little Italian place Dinah told me about (because you can never go wrong with Italian, duh) and then went for a walk around the city while talking about the most random things you can think about. We ended up having a great time watching some street performers doing their thing and we even danced to their music right there on the streets like careless teenagers.

Sometimes it's the simplest things that'll warm your heart.

Although the night was amazing, I can't wait to be home with my son. I just miss him, my little monster.

I silently step in my apartment because I know he'll most likely be sleeping and I wouldn't be surprised if I find Lauren sleeping on the couch too or something.

I check the living room and there's no sign of her. Okay, where are they? Don't panic.

I take a deep breath and that's when a hear Zach's giggle and Lauren's voice. They're in his room. She's holding him in her arms, pacing around the room maybe trying to get him to sleep. The sight warms my heart.

– There, there buddy. I'm here now. – she says softly, looking at him with so much love I can't help but smile.

– Did you know your aunty Lauren loves you a shit ton? – I roll my eyes, I need to remind her of her language around him, – No? well now you know it nugget! – Zach giggles when she blows a raspberry on his covered tummy.

I decide to stay here, behind the wall, and let them have their moment. It's clear they're enjoying it. I know I am.

– Don't tell your mommy this, but I only deal with her to be close to you because you're my favourite person in the whole wide world, – she whispers the last part of the sentence and I cover my mouth to mute the giggle that escapes my mouth. That dork.

– You know baby, I'm so thankful you came to this world... When your aunty Lucy left me... I didn't know what to do, she was my entire world buddy. Man was she beautiful, I know you'd love her too, maybe a little too much and I'd be a jealous mess, – her voice cracks a bit and my heart starts beating faster. – There's a void in my heart that used to be filled with her, Zach. I felt lonely most of the time, until you came around....

Oh my God, Lauren.

– When Your mommy told me she was pregnant with you I was in such a bad place nugget, she was a mess too thanks to that stupid prick also known as your sperm donor. Everything hurt so bad, I don't know how I kept going, to be honest. Well, now I know, you gave me that strength baby.

– Your mom, she's a fighter that one. But I knew she needed help, she needed her family and that's why I decided to step up buddy. Because that's what friends do in moments of need, they step up and hold you if you can't on your own. Friends are family too, you know that?

She takes a long breath and when I peek around the wall I see tears streaming freely from her eyes. She looks up for a bit and takes another long breath. The healing.

– Sometimes I feel you're a gift that the universe sent me after Lucy buddy. It's like a new life was born to bring hope where death left nothing. You came to fill in my blanks bud, – she kisses his forehead, her lips lingering for a long time before speaking again.

– I promise I'll always be here for you Zach. I'll be here when you decide it's time to take your first steps and I'll definitely be here when you stop thinking girls are yucky...or boys, who knows right? Whatever you like, I'll support you bud. I'll even be here when your mommy is being a pain in the ass and you need to escape from the chancla, that shit hurts so be good little man! I'll be the cool aunty you can have your first beer with, but let's keep that between us or Camila will freak out, okay?

I let out a soft laugh, this dork I call my best friend... she acts like a tough cookie but we all know she's a softie.

– Sometimes life will get tough nugget, but I promise it all gets better... now, be a god little man and go to sleep, make your mommy proud., – she kisses him again and puts him in his crib, – don't worry, I've got you Zach. Sweet dreams my angel.

I turn around and lean against the wall beside the door again. I can't stop smiling. I can't stop crying.

Ever since I found out about my pregnancy my friends were here to help me balance everything. Ally, Dinah, Normani (from a distance) and mostly Lauren were always around, supporting me through everything and being the greatest friends one could ask for. I should start telling them more often how grateful I am that they're with me and how much I love them.

I feel my heart beating fast and can't stop the smile that creeps on my face. I cry, but they're happy tears, life is finally being great for me.

My phone starts buzzing in my back pocket so I reach for it hoping it's Annaleigh with her goodnight text.

But it's not her. I frown.

From: Unknown

Hey Camila, it's George. I know it's been a long time but I was wondering if we could talk. I'm coming to L.A this weekend, I know it's our kid's birthday. Please let me be there Camila.

This can't be happening.

This can't be happening.

I've dreamed about this for so long. For him to come back, be here for his son. For him to reach out and tell me he made the biggest mistake of his life.

Suddenly I feel weak, there's a tight knot in my throat and my stomach is feeling funny. I collapse on the floor and now I feel I can't breathe properly.


– You can't be serious about this Camila, we can't bring a child to this world! This will ruin my career! GET RID OF IT!

He slammed the door and left me alone.

I can't move, I'm dizzy. I can't breathe, am I dreaming?

– Hey Camz what are y..... Camz? Oh God, Camz are you crying??


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