Chapter 26

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sup folks! Long time no weed.

Short filler to introduce y'all to Camila's side of things while LJ was trippin'. I actually have the next chapters all scattered around my files but wow I've been too lazy to try finishing those ideas. There's actually A LOT.

Whatever, here we go----------------------------------

Camila's POV

What is happening? Can someone please explain what I'm seeing right now?

You guys, is this a prank? Y'all can stop now!

Arriving to the spot where George told me to meet him stopped being exciting the minute I see the blood covered floor and George falling to the ground, and to make things worse I see Lauren standing there, looking like she just put a hell of a fight and even if the guy is almost unconscious she's ready to keep throwing punches.

– Oh my God, George! Dinah call 911!!! Lauren? LAUREN WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!

She's about to turn around but I just push her off, drop my bag and kneel next to George. I immediately start checking how serious his condition is and check for responsiveness. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lauren moving, but I pay no attention to her.

If she started this, I swear. . .

– George, can you hear me? Dinah 911!! – I shout to my friend who was a few steps behind me – Lauren you asshole – I lift my head so our eyes meet. I can't read her and that scares me.

It scares me because I always know what's going through her mind with just one look, we have that kind of connection, but this time I see nothing. For a second her eyes display sadness and pain and then there's nothing. An infinite void that angers me. I'm angry at her for leaving me after the whole Annie situation without a word. It angers me that we didn't have an opportunity to sit and talk about it. It angers me that in just a few days we seem to have lost ourselves over something so stupid. It angers me because I thought our we were better than this, that our bond was stronger and we.. and I.. I was supposed to... damn!

I'm angry at myself but she doesn't know that...

– why would y.... holy shit! LAUREN!

How come I didn't notice before?!

Because all you focused on was George and your own emotions, you egocentric jerk.

I watch as my best friend drops to the floor and I can't register anything else that's happening. Instincts kick in, Dinah and I are assisting them both, then we hear the ambulance.

It's all happening so fast and I'm afraid I'm about to faint, but I need to keep it together.

Breathe, Camila. Breathe.

It's nothing, they're fine. You're fine. Lauren's fine.

Inhale, exhale, repeat. You can handle this Camila.

The next few hours are a confusing hell and pass by in a rush of mixed emotions, panic and auto-pilot mode. I'm caught between calls, hospital forms, police officers asking many questions I have no answers for and this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.

She's was taken to the surgery room the instant we walked into the hospital hours ago and nobody's telling us anything about her wounds. What I thought was just a superficial cut seems to be a lot worse but how would I know? Every time we ask there's no news.

Damn you Lauren Jauregui and your stupid high brain! What were you thinking?

George is being a winy little bitch right now. I'm so tired I'm just ignoring everything he's saying or doing. His agent arrived minutes ago and I'm so overwhelmed I'll just let him handle George. He's talking to the police officers so I guess this is my chance to escape and go check on Clara and Mike.

Yes, they're still around because they were worried about Lauren's behavior for the last weeks since our so called "fight", which, let me tell you, never happened.

She just decided to disappear.

Good thing they're here right now, if they weren't, I'm sure I'd be in one of these hospital beds myself.

My mind takes me back to our whole drive to the hospital.


– Ma'am I need you to step out of the way – one of the paramedics says politely, in a rush to get Lauren on the ambulance.

I didn't give them the time to even consider telling me I couldn't jump on that ambulance. I was up there with Lauren in a blink of an eye while they were assessing her condition and assisting her.

I see how she keeps fighting to be awake and avoid falling into full unconsciousness. She's mumbling something over and over.

– Lauren baby, you're fine. You're fine! – I cry trying to reach for her but I understand the paramedics need to stabilize her (or at least try) – Everything's gonna be just fine.

I see her lip twitch a bit and I take that as a little smile... for me. She's reassuring me when it should be the other way around.

– I...I'm s-sorry C-c-camz... – she barely whispers

– Stop being stupid Lo, it's all good. – I say trying to touch her. Trying to have any contact with her so I can reassure myself that she's here and she's okay – We're almost there hang on! – I tell her. She simply closes her eyes again.

I look at the paramedics again trying to contain my sobs. I know she's losing too much blood too quickly and she's bound to fall unconscious before we arrive.

– God knows I can't do this on my own – I whisper and for the first time in a while I say a little prayer for my best friend.

– Lauren Jauregui? – a loud voice echoes through the waiting room. Clara, Mike and I are immediately on our feet, rushing towards the person who's calling Lauren's name.

– Who are you? We're her parents – Mike tells the man.

– Well folks I was assisting your daughter's surgery. They sent me to update y'all on her progress... – he sighs and judging by his expression he's looking for an easy way to tell us some bad news – things ain't looking good right now, surgery's still going we had a bit of a complication, you see...

Of fucking course, nothing seems to get any easier now!

– ...there's internal bleeding. The knife used as a weapon entered in the worst angle possible and we're working to clean everything up and avoid future complications or infections for her but...– the man looks Mike straight in the eyes – her being under the influence of cannabis... well you... it hasn't really been helpful. It complicated things and...

I tune the rest out with only one thing on my mind:

Lauren Jauregui, I'm gonna kick your stupid stoner ass when you're out of here.

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