Chapter 4

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I can't believe Lauren got her arm stuck in that vending machine! What the hell was she thinking in the first place? God. I love Lauren, but sometimes she's just.... Something else. I stormed outside the hospital with Zach and his things. I got to Lauren's car and waited for her to show up. What's taking her so long? *Ooooh, she's hitting on that nurse, isn't she? Damn you Lauren and your teen hormones!*

We made it home safe, the ride went silent, as I tried to check my agenda for tomorrow. I think Ally told me something about a change on the schedule, but I'll have to double check with her when I get home. Being part of the Lakers training staff can be demanding, but it's surely a great job. I've always wanted to become a sports physical therapist, and I'm thankful to Ally for giving me a spot in her medical team. She's the head therapist, and no doubt she is wonderful at her job. She's always so optimistic and cheerful towards the players. Even if they're struggling because of a bad injury, she finds a way to make it easier for them, and I love learning from her.

When we arrived to my apartment, I asked Lauren to watch Zach for a while so I could take the shower my body was shouting for. I had a long day, and after the events at the hospital and almost missing that appointment, I needed to let some stress out of my system.

When I walked out of my room, I heard Zach babbling nonstop and then Lauren would answer, as if they were having a serious conversation. My heart is melting. I silently watched the exchange from the kitchen's door frame. *This is the cutest thing ever!*

- Hey, you can't compare Ashley and Lucy! They're both hot. – I heard Lauren say with a little high-pitched tone. *Wait, did she just say Lucy?*

- baaadaa auuu bl bl bllffffff – Zach started babbling again.

- Oh you're right about that, but still, I like Shay better – she said giving him a little playful wink. I watched as Zach started giggling at Lauren's goofy faces, I guess after all, kids have their own secret language. *Who's Shay again?*

- hey you – I said as I sat on the floor next to my son, with my legs crossed. – what are you guys talking about? - I look at her, directly into her eyes, curiosity all over me. *Are you really talking to my son about your ex's? HER, particularly?*

- Well, Z here says Ashley Benson is hotter than Lucy Hale, right? – she said giving him a little poke on the nose with her index finger. He giggles.

- OOOH! - My eyes wide open in realization. - mmh, I don't know Laur, he's got a point there. I mean, have you seen her eyes? Stunning! - I said, trying to catch up to the conversaition playfully. Lauren narrowed her eyes for a second, as if she's reading my mind.

- I see, like mother like son. I guess I won't win this argument then, as usual. – she said standing up, feigning resentment. – I better get going though. – she lifted Zach above her head for a little. Then she placed a sweet kiss on his forehead – Good night little fella, be good with your mommy.

- oh wait, you're really leaving? Don't you wanna have dinner with us? – I said grabbing Zach in my arms, placing him on my right hip.

- Ugh sorry, I'd love to, but I can't – Suddenly tired Lauren? – I'm exhausted, and I have a lot to work on before bed. – she goes on, reaching the door. – See ya Camz! – she closed the door behind her.

What? Is something wrong?

>Next morning<

I just left Zach at Dinah's place. She loves babysitting him whenever she manages to have a day off. I don't know what I'd do without her help, I'm so grateful to have her around. We've been best friends since high school. I've always considered myself as an outsider, until the day I met her. She's a social butterfly, she's outgoing and very charismatic. It's always easy for her to meet new people and I love hanging out with her because she makes everything feel so easy.

-Hey Cheech! Thanks for your help with Zach today!  – I say, as I enter her house. - I'm sorry it has to be this early!

- No problem Chancho, you know I LOVE this little angel! – she says cheerfully, she's definitely a morning person.

- You're amazing! – I plant a quick peck on her cheek – I need to go, though, I'll be late.

- Okay, don't worry! Are we still up for Saturday?

- OF COURSE!! I'll see you later! Bye baby – I plant a kiss on Zach's forehead and leave Dinah's house running.

I got to the training facility as fast as I could and started walking towards the gym, where I know everyone is.

As I walk/run down the hallway, I manage to drop my folders and my papers fly all over the hallway. Butter fingers, attack. I throw myself to the floor and start gathering my paper work when a hand collides with mine. I lift my gaze and I see a girl on her knees, helping me gather my folders. She's got nice full lips curving in a soft smile. Her facial features, so delicate, you'd think you could break her with the slightest touch. Her eyes, the most beautiful pair of blue eyes I've ever seen, big and filled with innocence. Her hazel hair, just above her shoulders, embraces her heavenly face as her perfectly shaped eyebrows add even more sweetness to the girls expression. She looks around my age, dressed with a beautiful floral sundress, perfect for this weather.

- Uuhhm... oh sorry.. I didn't....I was ju..just t-triying to help – she stutters, quickly retrieving her hand back. A little smile creeps on her lips, revealing a bit of her pearl white teeth. Her cheeks turning pink.

- Oh thanks, don't worry, I got it. – I say, picking up my last folder and slowly standing on my feet again to meet her eyes once more. She reaches for a last sheet of paper and hands it to me, as she stands in front of me with a warm smile. She's taller than me, maybe even taller than Dinah. I would say around 5'9'' or so.

- Here, that's the last one – she says, sweetness in her voice.

- Thanks, I really appreciate your help...uhm...

- Annaleigh, my name's Annaleigh. – she says, extending her arm for a handshake.

- Nice to meet you, I'm Camila. – I say with politely, shaking her hand – are you new around here?

- Oh, well, kind of, I guess? – she giggles to herself – I was just looking for the photoshoot location, I think it'll be held in the basketball court...?– she says while checking something on her phone, evidently questioning herself if this is the right place.

- Is that so? I didn't know there was going to be a shoot today. -I say surprised, I honestly don't know a thing about it - So.... - I take a deep breath -  You' a.... model?

- You could say so.... – she gets cut off by a man's voice coming from behind my back. I turn around to see this tall fit man walking towards us.

- Annaleigh honey, there you are!! Please hurry up, we need to get this shoot starting ASAP! Follow me please, we have to get you and the others ready!

I watch the exchange between the two of them, Annaleigh seemed nervous in front of the man. As he pulled her in the opposite direction I was heading, she quickly glanced at me waving goodbye.

- It was to meet you, Camila! – she said from the distance. I manage to wave back at her, and watch them leave.

Why am I blushing right now?

Life, Love, and other misunderstandings [Camren fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now