Chapter 23

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Hey there kids! Long time no weed.... almost. But yo, got my shit so I'm uploading! Yay!

Enjoy....or not. Whatever. I'm not proofreading this shit.


– You guys are being ridiculously stupid.

– Shut up Dinah.

– I'm telling you, the whole "making assumptions" thing is going too far now.

– Dinah shu...

– It's even worse than college, you're acting like a bunch of teenagers

– Dinah....

– I mean, you're still not talking and run away from each other, so overdramatic. It's llike you guys watched too many novelas or read a bunch of fan fictions and decided to act just like those stupid, clueless, oblivious characters you know?


– When will you finally realize that you're in this whole mess because you're in love with each other?

– SHUT U....What? What are you talking about? We're clearly NOT!

Dinah looks at me for a long time and then rolls her eyes. She clearly thinks her nonsense statement is the upmost true. Yeah right. In love with Lauren, what a joke.

– Oh Chancho, one day you'll realize it.

Yeah, maybe when elephants can jump.

Lauren's POV

– And I also learned that elephants are not the only mammals that can't jump. So maybe that makes them feel better about themselves now. What do you think about it, Luce?

For all of you confused souls out there, I'm currently sitting in front of Lucy's grave. Something I always do when I really need to talk about something that's bothering me. And yes, yes, I'm high. My brain seems to only remember random, useless facts while high, whatever.

I spent the last two hours trying to explain why I suddenly feel so angry at Camila. Of course the first thing that comes to mind is fucking Ruesca and his stupid jerk face. How can Camila even be attracted to him in the first place? Look at that douche, stupid green eyes, thick as fuck eyebrows and his mouth would fit a fucking aerospace in it, for fucks sakes!

– hey now! People used to think we were twins in college, Jauregui!

Fuck you, Ruesca! Get out of my inner monologue!

– Not my fault I'm THAT important to you, baby.

Ugh, fucking Ruesca.

Anyways, what's infuriating here is that jerk face is around all the fucking time. Doesn't he have a life or something? Preseason or whatever shit he's got to do before September kicks in and regular season starts.

I've been following Camila around for the past days, just to make sure she's fine, and I wanted to see what the deal with Ruesca is. So not in a "you" mode, of course.

Huh, I would kill Ruesca though. Do I know anyone who works at a library with a secret basement? I'll have to check that.

About my findings? They look exactly like they used to in college. That nauseating happy couple. Add a kid into that mix now.

Ruesca's behaving. He opens doors for her, holds her shit and pays for groceries. I've seen him trying to get a little more than just a friendly hug, to which Camila still refuses, so that's good I guess. Still, letting him hang around? NOT COOL, CAMILA.

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