Chapter 28

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Happy new year y'all!!!

Pretty short update to introduce the last leg of this story. Too many peeps, this is like a timebomb man


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I'm frozen staring at a confused Lauren who, by the way, looks like hell.

My heart is beating so fast I feel it'll jump out of my chest. I'm finding it very difficult to breathe and my stomach is not sending great sings either. Camila, don't throw up. My ears are buzzing, I see Lauren trying to tell me something but I'm in total shock to even react.

And that's when the tears start flowing.

Stop crying Camila, for fucks sake!

My body moves almost instantly throwing itself on Lauren and I can't stop sobbing in her neck because it seems like the only logical thing to do.

– You stupid jerk!!!

Yes Camila, keep insulting your friend and not even caring that she's injured...



I jump again and Lauren starts coughing

– Ca...c... – oh lord I broke her – Wa...wa....wat... er!

I follow the direction she's pointing to and I realize she's been asking for water. Way to go killing your friend you stupid ass.

Very carefully I bring the cup that was on the bedside table to her mouth and watch while she slowly drinks from it. I can't help but focus on her lips, a little chapped but still plump and inviting.

Really? Is that all you can think of?

– How are you feeling? Wait here, I'll go call a nurse – I turn around but feel her grabbing my pinkie

– wait – Lauren whispers and gives me a dopey smile. Her whole facial expression is kinda hilarious, she looks so high and cute right now. That brings an instant smile to my lips.

– Lauren, I have to go call a nurse to check on you, I'll be right back.

She pouts and drops her head back on her pillow, closing her eyes tightly. I run out of the room and go find a nurse to inform her that Lauren woke up. The nurse runs straight to Lauren's room asking me to wait outside for a bit and I do with no complains.

While I'm outside I text Lauren's parents and the girls and in less than 5 minutes we're all outside Lauren's room waiting on any update. I sit on the floor with my arms around my knees and rest my head on them. I'm so tired, so stressed, so...everything. I let a long breath out and feel a hand on my shoulder.

– She's alright sweetheart, the worst part is over – Clara says with tears in her eyes giving me a reassuring smile. It's funny how I feel like I'm the one who should be supporting them and not the other way around.

– Jauregui? – we hear the nurse's voice and I immediately stand to listen to what she has to say – she's stable and everything's looking fine. She's asleep right now and it's expected for her to keep alternating between short times of being awake and asleep until she fully recovers her energy and her body does its part too. I already called her surgeon and doctor assigned to monitor her; they'll be here in a second. If you want to go in and see her, please no more than two people at a time.

The nurse smiles and then winks at me.


Everyone seems so relieved. Clara and Mike hug each other and go in the room. Dinah and Ally hug me and we laugh when I tell them how high Lauren seemed to be.

– Mija, – my dad approaches me and engulfs me in a much-needed hug – why don't you go home and rest? The Jaureguis are already here and I'm sure your baby boy misses you already.

As much as I want to protest, he's right. I should go and give my mom a break too. I know Zach misses me, what kind of mom am I? Also, I feel drained. I don't think I'm ready to face Lauren again without having a meltdown or punching her.

What am I going to say to her on my next visit? She knows, she so fucking knows.

I'm so distracted by my own thoughts on my way out that I don't see the person right in front of me and I end up colliding with them.

– oooffff – I feel a pair of hands grabbing my arms to help stabilize me. – I'm so sorry

– Don't worry ma'am it's..... Camila? Camila Cabello? – a familiar voice says. I look up and immediately recognize that boyish grin and pair of brown eyes.

– Shawn!!! – I almost scream and hug him tightly – oh my God you're back! When? How?

Shawn laughs at my excitement and hugs me tighter. I missed him and his stupid laugh so much.

Shawn and I met during our first year of college and we've been friends ever since. He was the perfect study partner and lucky me, we shared a lot of classes. We kept in touch after college even if it was hard with our crazy schedules. We would see each other at least twice a month and then he told me he decided to join the doctors without borders organization to gain even more experience and help those in need. That was one of his biggest dreams when he was a student so I was not surprised when he told me he was going. We even threw a party for him, pretty wild one if I'm being honest.

And this whole time we kept in touch via mails or some sporadic phone/video call. He even sent some gifts for Zach because he's just a sweetheart.

– you didn't tell me you were coming back, you ass! – I say and punch him lightly on the shoulder

– I know, I know I'm sorry. It's been hectic and I meant to surprise you. I came back a couple weeks ago and was lucky enough to find a position here, thanks to an old friend – he says with his cute smile and does the thing I hate the most: ruffles my hair – it's great to see you again kid.

I give him an annoyed look and I'm about to respond but my phone starts buzzing at the same time his pager goes off.

George calling. . . oh please!

– I'm sorry Mila, I'm in a bit of a hurry here but I'll call you so we can catch up. I want to meet my nephew ASAP – Shawn says in a rush

– Yeah I have to run too, it was good seeing you again. Let's hang out soon! I'm sure Zach will love you!

We hug again and I watch him run down the corridor.

Shawn Mendes, what a goof. Lauren used to hate his guts. Wait until she sees him again, man I'll have a camera ready to catch her reaction.

I laugh at my own thought and get out of the hospital. I still need to get home and cuddle with my son. Even if everything's a mess right now and my head wants to explode, I feel a sense of peace when I think about him.

We're fine, everything's fine. We'll be fine.

My phone goes off like crazy agan:

George calling....

Okay maybe we're not that fine.

Life, Love, and other misunderstandings [Camren fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now